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Ixaxaar is interested in buying secondhand books from customers located within the EU territory. If you have books which you would like to sell or trade get in contact with us by writing to

We are receiving a collection of secondhand books to stock in the end of July.
Customers who are interested in purchasing any of the books can inquiry the books already in advance writing to

Voudon Gnosis x/80, Signed, Wooden Box - David Beth
Embracing the dark - thesis of Dragon Rouge
Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic Hardcover Slipcase - Thomas Karlsson
Black Mass Hardcover Slipcase - Thomas Karlsson
Astral Projection Hardcover Slipcase - Thomas Karlsson
Nightside of Eden Hardcover VG/E - Kenneth Grant
The Book of Sitra Achra, First Edition 2013, regular
The Book of Sitra Achra Slipcased/gilded Edition (no booklet) - N.A-A.218
The Benighted Path 2nd Auric Ed. Special edition - Richard Gavin
Liber Falxifer 1


Book of Shadows (small size / foiled design on the cover)

Book of Shadows (small size / foiled design on the cover)

Book of Shadows to be used by the practitioner as a dream journal, prayer book or record experiences and workings.

A very practical size handbound Book of Shadows, the book is bound to high glossy black leather with five raised bands in the spine, black/gold marbled papers, 298 pages, cream text sheets. Blindstamped and gold foiled design on the cover. Only 1 book in the stock. 180 eurosAdd Item

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / black/gold marbled papers)

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / black/gold marbled papers)

Book of Shadows to be used by the practitioner as a dream journal, prayer book or record experiences and workings.

A very practical size handbound Book of Shadows, the book is bound to high glossy black leather with five raised bands in the spine, black/gold marbled papers, 298 pages, cream text sheets. This book does not have a foiled cover design. Temporarily out of stock

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / shimmering blue endpapers)

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / shimmering blue endpapers)

Book of Shadows to be used by the practitioner as a dream journal, prayer book or record experiences and workings.

A very practical size handbound Book of Shadows, the book is bound to high glossy black leather with five raised bands in the spine and finished with shimmering shade gray/blue endapers, 298 pages, cream text sheets. 170 eurosAdd Item


The Summoning of Warlocks and Sages
Ljóssál Lóðursson

Vitkaboða: ‘The Summoning of the Warlocks and Sages’ contains a collection of more than 100 galdrastafir (Icelandic magic staves) related to the þursian powers, and other spirits linked to the dark aspect of the Norse tradition. For the author this galdrabók is a key to open the locks to connect with the witchcraft and the runes of Ásvíðr, one of the oldest giants of Múspellzheimr. These magical symbols are aimed at overcoming and obtaining victory in different fields, such as meginstafir (staves for obtaining power), setastafir (staves for meditation), blótastafir (staves for sacrifice and offering), lækningagaldur (healing magic), kvennstafir (love staves), tröllskot (magic shots), varnarúnar (runes for protection), spá ok sýn (prophecy and divination), þursastafir (staves of the giants) and other themes or purposes in the magical process. Second edition published by Spiritual Outlaw. Hardcover book, Secondhand, mint condition. 95 eurosAdd Item

Ginnrunbok: The Book of Primeval Whispers

Ginnrunbok: The Book of Primeval Whispers
Ljóssál Loðursson

The Unmanifest Kingdom is between the vertices of our reality; shining, the Celestial Body has been conjured through Fire and Ice. The Abyss of Ginnunga has opened its jaws to consume with unfathomable power that which prevents the return to the Origin, the prime source of the spirit, Ur. The whisper of Primeval Magic. Ginnrúnbók or the “Book of Primeval Whispers” is a grimoire dedicated to the understanding and worship of the Giants of the Nordic tradition. This work focuses on the contact with the primeval powers prior to the gods, whose influence arises from Ginnunga gap. The grimoire describes the relationship between the Runes and the Giants, as well as the scheme of Þursaseiðr or the Sorcery of the Giants in its nine manifestations.

The book is bound in black cloth with black end-papers and hand-sewn spine. The text is beautifully printed in red and black ink on cream-colored paper and comes accompanied by many illustrations and diagrams.

Second edition published by Fall of Man. Hardcover edition limited to 300 copies.
Secondhand copy, condition: NM (covers in mint condition, book inside in mint condition), inside book between two pages there is a loose string, the binding however feels strong. 160 eurosAdd Item

Myrkþursablot: : Nightside of the Old Norse Mythology

Myrkþursablot: : Nightside of the Old Norse Mythology
Niðafjöll, Wilthijaz Yggr

After becoming the fastest selling Fall of Man Press title, Myrkþursablót: Nightside of The Old Norse Mythology is receiving a second extended and revised edition. With over 6,000 new words, as well as many new bindrunes and images, this new edition deepens into the mysteries of the Old Norse religion, and the duality contained in all of us that leads us to the Ginnungagap.

Known by many names, the nightside of the Norse-Germanic spiritual path is a self-directed journey towards initiation into the secrets as embodied by the runes, transiting towards the harmonious silence of the void before creation was formed through the collision of fire and ice (the union of opposites to create the moving universe we as living creatures experience). In initiatory and devoted practice revering forces such as the þursar, the student seeks to initiate his or herself into the black arts of northern antiquity and meld into the eternal silence of Ginnungagap, shaking the chains of existence within the nine worlds. There are many parallels one could draw from other Left-Hand Path traditions to this one, such as the karmic cycle in the Puranic tradition. This system is designed to be an initiatory path using the rune rows and the shamanic gateways they represent, so that one may make a personal exit from this universe ruled by the poles of duality.

Myrkþursablót, or Dark Þursian Worship, is a look into the primordial gateway to learn its ethereal secrets of fire and ice in order to unchain one’s spirit from the restraints of the mortal world. A journey through the untamed wilderness of darkness as one wades through treacherous tests of inner conflict, as the spirit fights to unleash itself from the prison of flesh, and ascend into the true light to obtain the secrets of the runes from the oldest beings. The keepers of all hidden wisdom, knowledge, secrets and magic. The Þurs.

The dark tradition of Norse spirituality does not place acknowledgment on the Æsir as keepers of the truth, but instead on the Þursar, the oldest beings. It is through them that the hidden secrets of the runes and the ancient wisdom is obtained. They are not to be seen as gods, but as teachers the adept wishes to commune with in order to garner knowledge for their own use. They are the sons and daughters of Aurgelmir, who was born from the infinite void before time was time.

Throughout the pages of Myrkþursablót: Nightside of The Old Norse Mythology the authors introduce us to the dark world of the Þurs, analyzing their attributes and characteristics so that the reader may benefit from a deeper understanding of these primordial forces. It is through this understanding that the reader may make proper use of the runes and sigils presented and described in this book, with the ultimate goal of reaching true illumination.

Standard edition: Limited to 300 copies, this hardcover edition is bound in white Italian cloth, with a hand-sewn spine and the red Ginnfaxi embossed in the front. All copies come with an illustrated dust-jacket, in order to protect the book from wear and tear.

Specifications: 135 pages, 135 g. white color paper. Octodecimo size (110×180 mm), hardcover bound in white Italian cloth with a red hand-sewn spine and red end-papers. 5 full-page illustrations and several other runes, bindrunes and photographies. 300 copies Secondhand copy, condition: mint. 145 eurosAdd Item

The Red Goddess

The Red Goddess
Peter Gray

The Red Goddess takes you through a tale of sex, drugs and violence. This is an ecstatic journey through the unheard history of Babalon. This is an explicit and challenging vision of a very modern goddess coming into power. From Revelation, back through the Ishtar Gate and forward into a living modern magickal current. This is more than a history, it is a passionate account of living magick and the transcendent power of Love.

The epic sweep of the text takes us from Babylon to Jerusalem to Rome, and onwards to Apocalypse. It confronts us with the language and symbols of our own culture and the denied demonic feminine. It looks at the Angelic work of renaissance mage John Dee and places it in a European eschatology. It delivers a devastating exegesis on the excesses of Aleister Crowley, and unlocks the secrets of ‘Waratah Blossoms.’ It explains the immolation of the Californian antichrist-superstar Jack Parsons and his relationship with Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. There is also a full supporting cast of Solomon, Simon Magus, St John the Divine, Earl Bothwell, the Templars, Mary, the Magdalene and countless others. This is the missing history of the Love goddess in the West.

Thirteen essays conclude the book on subjects including: roses, mirror magick, bdsm, aphrodisiac drugs, the information age, love vs lust, and the meaning of apocalypse. The Red Goddess is for anyone with blood in their veins, regardless of tradition, background or experience.

Paperback edition, condition: VG (slight hit on the right upper corner of the frontcover). 20 eurosAdd Item

Kali- The Feminine Force

Kali- The Feminine Force
Ajit Mookerjee

Kali has often been represented simply as death-dealing, cruel and horrific, the same goddess is however also creator and nurturer, feminine energy. In India, worship of the goddess in her multiple forms, and the vision of the sacred as woman, have never ceased. Using a collection of paintings, sculptures and original writings, this is a celebration of Kali and an exploration of the rich meanings of feminine divinity. Softcover book, 112 pages. Secondhand book, condition: fine. 28 eurosAdd Item


Helrunar: A Manual of Rune Magick

Helrunar: A Manual of Rune Magick
Jan Fries

The Runes are a pan-European magical language. Its roots lie in the ancient pagan beliefs of our ancestors, who built many thousands of stones circles, long barrows and dolmens throughout ancient Europe. These same symbols and techniques were used by the pagan Celts and Germans. This book is a complete manual of magick based upon arcane symbolism and secret techniques.

‘When I went to school, my history teacher told us about the old Germani. In her opinion, the Taunus mountains were populated by a bunch of brawny brawlers who wore horned helmets and small pieces of pelt. They lived in hilltop settlements which were fortified by ringwalls. Barely able to manage agriculture, they had to rely on hunting to fill their stomachs. They lived in shabby huts with mud-plastered walls and when the Romans came, they fought the invaders with crude swords, pointy sticks and by hurling rocks at them…’

‘Nowadays, the ringwalls of the Taunus are known as the work of La Tène Celts, who lived on the heights in well organised cities. For this new edition much of the text has been rewritten and updated. A large section on the bronze ages, the Celts, Germani and the later Vikings added. The theme of Wodan and Helja has been elaborated with more detail on pagan Scandinavia.

Softcover book, 440 pages. Mandrake of Oxford, 2006. Secondhand book, condition: VG ( visible signs of use on the covers, a reading copy). 25 eurosAdd Item


Jan Fries

From the author of Helrunar: manual of rune magick, and Visual Magick, a handbook of freestyle shamanism, comes the definitive study of magical trance and possession techniques. The author is inspired by the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin. The book provides an extensive survey of the manifestation of this powerful technique through several related magical traditions - shamanism, mesmerism, draconian cults and even the nightside of European paganism. Seething is probably the most useful magical technique I have ever learned. I first was taken by the pleasure of it. My body felt warm and sensual, and seething in the hips felt quite sexual. I liked the feeling of my body taking over where the shaking was first voluntary - but I could still have some control, making the shaking stronger or more subtle. After a while I started to see visions - something that very rarely happens to me. I could see (with my physical eyes, not astrally ) the surface of the land in the centre of the circle rippling, like waves of energy. It was a really moving experience in a site that - until then - had not been particularly 'special' to me... it ..has had a major impact upon my magical work which used to be largely indoors, as at last I have found a way that I can work outdoors. This gives my magical work a potency that it simply didn't have before. - Shantidevi quoted in chapter twelve 'Rhythms and the Mind'.

Softcover book, 339 pages. Mandrake Of Oxford, 1996. Secondhand book, condition: fine. 25 eurosAdd Item


The Book of Dragon Runes
Michael Kelly

A curriculum of runic study which uses the myth of Sigurd the Volsung to awaken the powers of the Northern Dragon within the psyche of the student. Uses the same highly effective and transfromative pattern of Draconian Initiation first developed in the author's previous book 'Apophis', here adapted exclusively to runic lore. Softcover, 258 pages. Secondhand, fine condition. -SOLD-

Northern Magic

Northern Magic
Rune Mysteries and Shamanism
Edred Thorsson

This in-depth primer of the magic of the Northern Way introduces the major concepts and practices of Gothic or Germanic magic. English, German, Dutch, Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish peoples are all directly descended from this ancient Germanic cultural stock. According to author Edred Thorsson, if you are interested in living a holistic life with unity of body-mind-spirit, a key to knowing your spiritual heritage is found in the heritage of your body-in the natural features which you have inherited from your distant ancestors. Most readers of this book already "speak the language" of the Teutonic tradition.

Northern Magic contains material that has never before been discussed in a practical way. This book outlines the ways of Northern magic and the character of the Northern magician. It explores the theories of traditional Northern psychology (or the lore of the soul) in some depth, as well as the religious tradition of the Troth and the whole Germanic theology. The remaining chapters make up a series of "mini-grimoires" on four basic magical techniques in the Northern Way: Younger Futhark rune magic, Icelandic galdor staves, Pennsylvania hex signs, and "seith" (or shamanism). This is an excellent overview of the Teutonic tradition that will interest neophytes as well as long-time travelers along the Northern Way. Softcover book, 264 pages. Llewellyn, 2002.

Secondhand book, condition: VG (signs of use on the cover, a reading copy.) 22 eurosAdd Item

Uthark - Nightside of the Runes

Uthark - Nightside of the Runes
Thomas Karlsson

Uthark is written by Thomas Karlsson, M.A. in the History of Ideas at the University of Stockholm, and with many years of experience when it comes to rune magick. Uthark - Nightside of the runes includes matters as Sejd, Divination and the odinistic initiation path called Helwegr. This book offers perspectives which are unique today, as the Uthark is very rarely dealt with. Hardbound, 150 pages. First edition, Ouroboros Press 2002.

Secondhand, condition: VG: some signs of use on the covers, small hit on the edge of the backcover. 79 eurosAdd Item

Clavicula Nox - Issue 4 - Lilith

Clavicula Nox - Issue 4 - Lilith
Various Authors

The ecstasy found in Sex & Death; raw, primal and daemonic. This blood-red issue in Honour to Lilith is made for those whom dare to walk the path of Adversary and release ever hidden and repressed instinct and desire in order to illuminate our consciousness by awakening the Whore of Hell. Included in this issue: Bird of the Night Queen- Harbinger of Wisdom and Death by Johannes Nefastos, The Esoteric Formulae and Sigils of Lilith by Temple of the Black Light 218, The Temphioth Working by Stephen Sennitt, Gullveig and Lilith by Vexior, The Whore, The Qlipothic Womb and the Ruby Elixir by Asenath Mason, Understanding The Path by Mark Alan Smith, Lilith - An Imperative Truth by G. McCaughry, Quattuor Hymni ad Lilit by G. Frontcover artwork by Jack MacBeth the author of The Totemic Invocation of the Shadow Selves. Professionally printed, illustrated magazine, thick blood-red covers, perfect binding, 52 pages.

Secondhand, condition: fine. -RESERVED-

Keys of Ocat

Keys of Ocat
A Grimoire of Daemonolatry Nygromancye
S. Connolly

A grimoire for the advanced practitioner of Necromancy by the author of "Infernal Colopatiron". "The Keys of Ocat reveals the never before published Saturn rites, seals, and theophantic gate opening rituals of Ocat, the abyssal gatekeeper of the dead. Behind His gates dwell the Daemons of death including Euronymous, Balberith, Bune, Hekate, Frucisierre, and many others. These blood magick rituals, talismans and seals will aid the advanced magician in conjuring Daemons to speak with the dead, commune with death, and discover the true meaning of mortality and spiritual immortality. Be forewarned, however, Ocat is not known to be a friendly gatekeeper to all magi who approach Him, and the Daemons behind His gates are some of the most terrifying of their nature."

Secondhand copy, near mint condition. 150 eurosAdd Item

Seven Crossroads of Night

Seven Crossroads of Night
Quimbanda in Theory and Practice
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

In Seven Crossroads of Night Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold sets forth the foundation for Quimbanda in theory and practice, presenting a blueprint for the themes that generate the variety of ways Quimbanda can be approached.

Quimbanda is a Brazilian cult of sorcery that has been preserved in different modalities – either as a secret cult, a necromantic cult, or as an open, religious tradition. Formed of indigenous, African, and European streams of wisdom and sorcery, this unique cult of Exu and Pomba Gira is safeguarded by these amazing entities in diverse ways across Brazil. Remaining strong in their own power, these unique entities represent the mystery of the crossroad, the voice of the graveyard, and the force of life that generates endurance, direction, and honour through the lessons given from life itself and the ancestors.

Though Quimbanda has flourished in the world during the last decade, with the flow and spread of the cult of Exu and Pomba Gira comes questions, misinformation, and confusion along with the fertile ground for its growth. In such a landscape it is good to have waymarks to follow and a map which reveals the lay of the land in the world of these powerful spirits. Frisvold, a resident of Brazil since 2003 who has dedicated the last three decades in study and initiation of cults of sorcery, wisdom, and cunning craft guides us though the intricacies of Quimbanda, offering a simple and effective guide to work with Exu and Pomba Gira. Hardcover book, 204 pages. New book. 59 eurosAdd Item

Cave of the Numinous

Cave of the Numinous
Craig Williams

Cave of the Numinous by Craig Williams is one of the very few genuine expositions of the Left Hand Path in general and Left Handed Tantra in particular. Cave of the Numinous is the first installment in Craig's Tantric Physics series of books. Each self-contained volume will treat crucial aspects of the Vama Marga and considered as a whole this series will unveil a complete initiatic system of Left Hand Tantra. Radical in its approach, the Tantric way of the Dark Goddess is a most intense and dangerous pathway towards spiritual liberation and power. Sexual alchemy, Guru Yoga, antinomian ritual and complex interactions of various Vedic sciences form a fascinating universe of spiritual transformation within which the wayfarer may attain to the supreme freedom of Kaivalya or suffer utter destruction. In Cave of the Numinous, Craig Williams expounds on most important roots of Left Hand practice and guides us into the nocturnal inner and outer environments which the practitioner must establish in order to successfully progress along the Vama Marga. Complete with rituals and glossary, this book is an invaluable resource and manual for every serious occultist and esoteric explorer particularly for those of the Left Handed Gnosis.

Regular edition. First printing, 2014. Limited to 540 copies only: bound in full bordeaux fine cloth, gold front embossing, gold lettering on spine. Secondhand, condition: NM. 160 eurosAdd Item

Palo Mayombe -The Garden of Blood and Bones-

Palo Mayombe -The Garden of Blood and Bones-
Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold

In drawing parallels with both the ancient Greek practices of Necromancy and Nigromancy, and the grimoire tradition, Nicholaj also illuminates the Western tradition, showing what we have lost in our denial of the dead and the cult of the ancestors. In Palo Mayombe the golden vein of fire still transmits the ancestral wisdom and transforms the Paleros into true spiritual warriors who are the walking dead. The Garden of Blood and Bones gives explicit detail of the workings of Palo Mayombe for good and ill, the method of divination, the herbs, animals, trees and plants, powders, baths and waters, the songs and chants. It presents a complete living system one which embraces both the arts of healing and resurrection, and those that remove life. This is a book written from within the cult, and will serve as a guide for practising Paleros and those seeking initiation, not simply a Western audience. With access to rare materials, pamphlets, booklets and unpublished field notes, this is the most comprehensive study of Palo Mayombe to date. Santeros and practitioners of Vodou will also find much to ponder within these pages. Hardcover book.

Secondhand, condition VG (some unevenness in the colour of the cloth). 175 eurosAdd Item

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

Exu & the Quimbanda of Night and Fire by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold is the companion to Pomba Gira. Together they give the most complete account of this sorcerous cult. Exu is the fusion of Umbanda, Angolan sorcery, European demonology and Kardec’s Spiritism, erupting in a uniquely Brazilian cult. In this book practical magical action. spells, workings, hierarchies and origins are all given in detail. This is an essential text for students of the grimoires, Satanism and traditional witchcraft; as well as those drawn to or working within the cults of Quimbanda, Candomblé, Santería, Palo Mayombe and the African diaspora religions.

Quimbanda is a living tradition that gets results. It is a massive storehouse of magical lore, heresies and history which has absorbed aspects of goetia through such grimoires as Grimorium Verum, Red Dragon, and even Huysman’s Là Bas. Hardcover book, 352 pages.

Secondhand copy, condition VG (one corner slightly bent on the backcover). 165 eurosAdd Item

Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher - Deluxe edition

Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher - Deluxe edition
Matthew Wightman

Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher is a devotional work dedicated to the anti-cosmic Current 61; the Current of Ain as Impossibility and of the embodiment of the desire for Impossibility: the Nachash El Acher, Samaelilith. It represents the Wisdom of the Serpentborn, the Children of Enoch, led by our Master Qayin. It establishes a daily routine of prayers to be read and reflected upon in order to stimulate the reception of Serpentine Gnosis. Included are instructions for creating and using ritual implements: such as the Skin of the Serpent Prayer Shawl, Serpentine Phylacteries and Rosary, and Klifotic Ketoret, each a potent tool connecting one to the Work of the Nachash El Acher. Having been Commissioned by and with the Blessings of Beelzebub before the Tower Nihilifer, the work guides the practitioner through Morning, Afternoon, and Evening prayers, which both praise our Other God and Curse the Demiurge, as well as contains devotionals for before and after meals and Sacred occasions. It also contains invocations/prayers to the Klifotic Elohim, and offers a discussion of Holidays and Festivals within the Current of the Nachash. The work is prefaced by a theological exploration of the Nachash El Acher and the Atzmutic reality that the Nachash resists. Additionally, the work contains a second compendium volume, providing the reader with all seven of my published essays as well as an interview with Johan of Aeon Sophia Press that delves deeper into my thought and the praxis of the Current.

Full leather bound, limited to 50 copies.Gold foil lettering to the spine and front cover. The deluxe edition book comes with an additional booklet 'Sefer Damah' in an envelope. Secondhand copy, condition Near Mint (backcover: upper tip of conrner is slightly worn, otherwise Near mint condition). 270 eurosAdd Item

Legion 49

Legion 49
Barry William Hale

After many years practical experience working with Beelzebub and his servitors, Legion 49 provides us with a rare glimpse of the Lord of the Flies and the dark quintessence of his Legion. In a series of short, de-constructionist essays the artist explores traditional methods of evocation and the myths surrounding Beelzebub, before providing an iconographical and sigillic recension of his horde of forty-nine servitors, glimpsed through the protective-symmetry of the paper-cut traditions of old Mexico. Legion 49 is a fusion of styles, influences and approaches, the modern and ancient, direct and indirect, refined and raw: it seeks to capture for a moment that flitting, fleeting, Chaotic gnosis symbolised by the Lord of Flies. Comes with an additional flywing bookmark. Secondhand, book: Near Mint. 170 eurosAdd Item

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / shimmering blue endpapers)

Book of Shadows (small size / no cover design / shimmering blue endpapers)

Book of Shadows to be used by the practitioner as a dream journal, prayer book or record experiences and workings.

A very practical size handbound Book of Shadows, the book is bound to high glossy black leather with five raised bands in the spine and finished with shimmering shade gray/blue endapers, 298 pages, cream text sheets. 170 eurosAdd Item

The Devils Plantation

The Devils Plantation
Nigel P. Pearson

A limited edition of 300 hand-numbered examples, bound in dark brown and beautifully grained recycled leather fibres, with gold foil blocking to the front and spine, light brown end papers, with black head and tail bands. 80gsm white paper stock.

Taking its name from the lost ‘black book’ of a famed Cambridgeshire witch, as well as plots of land sacrificed unto the spirits and the Old One himself, Nigel Pearson’s ‘The Devil’s Plantation’ guides the reader through the traditional witchcraft, old magic and folklore of East Anglia.

This is an ancient landscape, and a melding pot for the beliefs, culture and magic of the various peoples who have inhabited it over its long history. And yet, until very recently, East Anglia has been a land ‘set apart’ and isolated amidst impassable marshes, Fens and uncleared Forests.

Thus East Anglia is a landscape in which ‘the good folk’, land drakes, land wights, mermaids, giants, spectral hounds, saintly miracles, wort Cunning, toad lore, folk magic and indeed witchcraft have been nurtured and continue to play a part in the lives of the people of what has aptly been named ‘Witch Country’.

Secondhand copy, condition: mint condition, comes with the signature plate of the author. 149 eurosAdd Item

CLAVICULA NOX  - V - MAGIC & MAYHEM - Softcover edition

CLAVICULA NOX - V - MAGIC & MAYHEM - Softcover edition
Various authors and artists

The Commemoration of Lord Qayin by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold, The Curse of the Burning Grave by Frater Ben Nachash, The Way of the Night by Asenath Mason, West Country Curse-Magic by Gemma Gary, Djavulspakt- Infernal Pacts in traditional Swedish Witchcraft by C.A. Nordblom, Intoxication, Seership, and the Poison Path by Sarah Lawless, Wyrd by G. Professionally printed, illustrated magazine, thick brown covers, perfect binding, 60 pages. Ixaxaar publication 2014.

Secondhand, condition: VG (some marks of use on the covers). 76 eurosAdd Item

Earth Magic

Earth Magic
Rik Garrett

Artist and photographer Rik Garrett’s Earth Magic explores historical and personal relationships between witchcraft, femininity and nature through a series of images created using the traditional wet plate collodion process. Of it, Rik says:

“With Earth Magic I’ve envisioned a matristic, nature-based world; a female-centric, ritualistic community completely apart from the rest of society. This is a history of “witchcraft” devoid of “witch hunts”, a race of women who draw their energy and inspiration from the Earth itself. What if there were a truth to the myths of Amazons and the books like Aradia, Gospel of the Witches? What if the fierce Maenads of Greek mythology still existed today, hidden from view? What if these truths were presented faithfully?”

First produced as a small handmade edition that quickly sold out, here Earth Magic has been revised and expanded to include new images and sigils. The original negatives have been rescanned at high resolution and the black and white images processed using a special technique to better convey their dark, otherworldly, quality. The original small format has also been enlarged to create one of the most dramatic books we have yet produced. In Earth Magic we see an evocative meeting between contrasting forces and a celebration of the primal feminine.

Fulgur Ltd., 2014. First Edition. Hardcover. Large Quarto (12 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches). 72pp. Secondhand copy: mint condition. 135 eurosAdd Item

Black Dog Folklore

Black Dog Folklore
Mark Norman

Special Edition; a limited edition of 300 hand-numbered examples, bound in a red cloth, with black foil blocking to the front and spine, black endpapers, with black head and tail bands.

A comprehensive study of the image of the Black Dog in folklore, with an extensive gazetteer of over 700 UK sightings and traditions.

Pagination: 248 pages, on 80gsm paper stock including line drawings and figures, plus 12 pages of black and white photographic plates.

Chapter 1 – A general description of dog ghosts
Chapter 2 – Dogs of the westcountry
Chapter 3 – Family dogs
Chapter 4 – Protective dogs
Chapter 5 – Shucks and barguests
Chapter 6 – Roads and bridges
Chapter 7 – Church grims and death folklore
Chapter 8 – Dreams and visions
Chapter 9 – The black dog in the landscape
Chapter 10 – The black dog in modern times
Appendix – A gazetteer of uk black dog sightings and traditions

Secondhand copy, condition: mint, unread copy. 130 eurosAdd Item

The Devils Dozen

The Devils Dozen
Thirteen Craft Rites of the Old One
Gemma Gary

The operations of magic and witchcraft deal with the hidden worlds of spirit and the powers innate within the natural world; within plant, stone and magical loci. The ‘Old One’, who in folk tradition is often named ‘The Devil’ embodies both the ‘rend in the veil’ and the spanning bridge between the worlds of the material and spiritual, the revealed and the hidden. It is through union with this entity that witches and folk magicians gained access to the powers that reside within the hidden realms and the natural world, and could awaken the potent fire within.

In traditional folk belief, the Devil existed also as an embodiment of the chaotic forces of nature; a belief quite distinct and separate from that of the Church with its ‘Satan’ figure. To the witch, he might also represent the ‘darker’ aspects of the divine; the keeper and the revealer of the divine light, the psychopomp guide of souls, and the sentinel at the threshold unto the mysteries of death and the Otherworld.

Something, it would seem, of the ‘elder divinity’ and the old ‘spirit of the wild’ has lingered through to the present; permeating regional faery lore, the calendar of ritualistic seasonal folk-customs, and traditions attached to ancient landscape features. The themes of untamed, wild nature; its freedom, its spirits, its power and its magic, so repugnant and threatening to the Church, were grafted onto the diabolical; affording yet greater preservation of the Old One for those who sought to stray from the path of limitation and conformity, and tread instead the hidden ways of the witch and magician.

Historical witch-lore records varied rites of initiatory contact, via which the worker of magic and witchcraft entered into a close, working relationship and union with the Old One and the spirit world. Via such union, would the ways unto curing ailments, exorcising ill influence, the attainment of desires, and the destruction of the oppressive be known, and the old artes of the circle, the spirits, the knotted cord, the pierced candle, the witch-bottle, the magical image and the spoken, inscribed and herbal charms be mastered.

From this wellspring of inspiration ‘The Devil’s Dozen’; a modern ‘gramarye’, or ‘black book’ of thirteen Craft rites of the Old One has been created and is offered by a present day initiate of the ‘Old Craft’

Hardcover bound to dark green shade leatherette, 160 pages, 8 pages of photographic illustrations, black and white illustrations in the text. Numbered special first edition of 300 copies.

First Edition 2015. Secondhand, Near Mint condition. 169 eurosAdd Item

The Black Toad

The Black Toad
Gemma Gary

Gemma Gary's second book; The Black Toad - West Country Witchcraft and Magic explores potent examples of the folk-ceremonial magical practices and witchcraft of the south-west of England; dealing especially with Devon and the author’s homeland of Cornwall. Within the West Country, the popular belief in witchcraft and its attendant charms, magical practices and traditions continued to be observed and survived long after such ways had faded in most other parts of the British Isles.

Described within The Black Toad is a collection of some of the fascinating magical practices and lore of the West Country’s cunning folk and early modern witches; ways that have survived and evolved within the rarefied Craft of the area’s modern day witchcraft practitioners of the old persuasion. As this book affirms, these ways of the Old Craft and Cunning Arte include a belief in and working relationship with the spirit forces of the land, the Faerie, animal and plant lore, as well as the magical use of Psalms to cure or curse, the invocation of Christ and the power of the Holy Trinity. First printing 2012. Secondhand, mint condition. Hardbound book, 140 pages. 150 eurosAdd Item

The Charmers Psalter

The Charmers Psalter
Gemma Gary

In October 2013, The Charmers’ Psalter; a book adapted by Gemma Gary from a working collection of magical Psalms, was produced by Troy Books in a limited edition of 250 copies, bound in green recycled leather fibres. Due to the surprising volume of enquiries we have received about this title since it had sold out, the decision was made to release a new, unlimited clothbound edition of The Charmer’s Psalter. The new edition of the book is in a similar pocket-sized format of 105mm x 148mm and bound in gold foil-blocked rust cloth and printed on 80gsm cream paper stock. The book has been reformatted with slightly larger text for better readability. The Psalms, mysterious in their origins and possibly far pre-dating their appearance within Judeo-Christian Scripture, have a long history of magical use. We encounter the Psalms within the rites and talismanic magic of the grimoires, and their prolific employment within Charming, Cunning and folk-magical tradition. Herein the methods of their use are varied and incorporate magical acts of utterance, inscription, bottling, burning, sprinkling, pouring and burial in conjunction with various substances and materials. Serving a vast array of needs, principally for healing, protection and the averting of evil, but also long employed within acts of cursing, the Psalms are an established feature of traditional operative magic yet also an indicium of engaging with the world of spirit, the divine and the unseen: “Whilst the traditional magical uses of the Psalms may appear to be almost entirely for the serving of material needs and desires, rather than for purposes of spiritual advancement, they are possessed of great beauty, and in one’s recourse to them in times of distress and great difficulty there is to be attained a moment of contemplative comfort, and an acknowledgement of the immanence of the divine presence; turned to for spiritual strength and assistance.” (From the Introduction and Manner of Use) The Charmers’ Psalter is born from a personal working collection of magical Psalms and other verbal charms, here presented in a convenient ‘pocket book’ format (105mm x 148mm), so that it may always be on hand to the contemporary Charmer for reference should need of it arise. Secondhand, mint condition, unread. 40 eurosAdd Item

Set of 3 Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule books

Set of 3 Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule books

Coagula by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Secondhand book, condition: Near Mint

Distillation by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Secondhand copy. Condition: Book: Fine, Dustjacket: VG (a blemish on the front of dustjacket, see picture).

Solve by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Secondhand book, condition: Fine

Set of three Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule books. 280 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

This is the second volume in the ground-breaking Tela Quadrivium Series.

Lavishly illustrated by the artist, Coagula births the magical children born of the Gods and Goddesses united by the reader in Conjunctio. From these unions now the pages are divided, and the cosmic egg cracks open: hermaphrodites and hybrids from the conjunction of masculine and feminine, solar and lunar, silver and gold gestate within and coagulate back into the world of form. Images are accompanied by evocative descriptive texts, insights and a magical ‘foreword’ and ‘backword.’

Innovative in both conception and design, this latest volume in Tela Quadrivium project is itself a child of the union of printing excellence with a personal esoteric philosophy. Printed in black, gold and silver inks on premium archival paper, Coagula takes the reader deeper into the alchemical process begun in Conjunctio.

Secondhand book, condition: Near Mint 120 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

Distillatio is the final volume in Orryelle’s four-fold Alchymic book-web The Tela Quadrivium. For eight years Orryelle worked only in black and white (with touches of gold and silver) for the previous volumes in the series, but in the last few years he has been exploring the alchemy of Colour in diverse media for this culminating volume.

Distillatio explores the Colour phase of Alchemy, the ‘Cauda Pavonis’ or Peacock’s Tail, and also the related Albedo or White phase. This purified essence splits into a vivid spectrum of colours. The book seeks out the alchemy of colour in a diverse array of media, from semi-digital (incorporating photography by the artist) and gouache to large oils on canvas with gold, silver and copper leaf, also employing egg tempera for the Renaissance Misch-technique, including the artist’s own new spin on the method using peacock-egg tempera to reify an alchemical symbol with potent results.

Each volume of the Tela Quadrivium series connects into a multi-directional and spiraling narrative of images, symbols and text to form a greater whole which has now been distilled into completion. As the culminating volume of the Tela Quadrivium, Distillatio provides the reader with the final pieces in an intricate esoteric puzzle, bringing together the book-web entire. Secondhand copy.

Condition: Book: Fine, Dustjacket: VG (a blemish on the front of dustjacket, see picture). 80 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

This is the third volume in the ground-breaking Tela Quadrivium Series. In describing this new work Orryelle says, ‘Solve dis-solves the gold distilled in Coagula, tears apart our egos, dismembers our bodies and hurls any conceptions of perfection back into the primal void. Herein lies death, destruction, and the Prima Materia, the base matter, the Al Khem – the fertile black soil of decomposing forms, the compost for new growth. In an exploration of the Nigredo or Blackening phase of Alchemy, the concepts of Black Magic are re-examined in this ThanatErotic tome of the backward winding path; from the darkness of the womb to the darkness of the tomb…’ In preparing this dark vision, the artist has broken new ground with a series of extraordinary images executed on black paper. We think it some of his best work to date. 70 images printed in black, gold and silver.

Secondhand book, condition: Fine 120 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

This is the second volume in the ground-breaking Tela Quadrivium Series.

Lavishly illustrated by the artist, Coagula births the magical children born of the Gods and Goddesses united by the reader in Conjunctio. From these unions now the pages are divided, and the cosmic egg cracks open: hermaphrodites and hybrids from the conjunction of masculine and feminine, solar and lunar, silver and gold gestate within and coagulate back into the world of form. Images are accompanied by evocative descriptive texts, insights and a magical ‘foreword’ and ‘backword.’

Innovative in both conception and design, this latest volume in Tela Quadrivium project is itself a child of the union of printing excellence with a personal esoteric philosophy. Printed in black, gold and silver inks on premium archival paper, Coagula takes the reader deeper into the alchemical process begun in Conjunctio.

Secondhand book, condition: Near Mint 120 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

Distillatio is the final volume in Orryelle’s four-fold Alchymic book-web The Tela Quadrivium. For eight years Orryelle worked only in black and white (with touches of gold and silver) for the previous volumes in the series, but in the last few years he has been exploring the alchemy of Colour in diverse media for this culminating volume.

Distillatio explores the Colour phase of Alchemy, the ‘Cauda Pavonis’ or Peacock’s Tail, and also the related Albedo or White phase. This purified essence splits into a vivid spectrum of colours. The book seeks out the alchemy of colour in a diverse array of media, from semi-digital (incorporating photography by the artist) and gouache to large oils on canvas with gold, silver and copper leaf, also employing egg tempera for the Renaissance Misch-technique, including the artist’s own new spin on the method using peacock-egg tempera to reify an alchemical symbol with potent results.

Each volume of the Tela Quadrivium series connects into a multi-directional and spiraling narrative of images, symbols and text to form a greater whole which has now been distilled into completion. As the culminating volume of the Tela Quadrivium, Distillatio provides the reader with the final pieces in an intricate esoteric puzzle, bringing together the book-web entire. Secondhand copy.

Condition: Book: Fine, Dustjacket: VG (a blemish on the front of dustjacket, see picture). 80 eurosAdd Item


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

This is the third volume in the ground-breaking Tela Quadrivium Series. In describing this new work Orryelle says, ‘Solve dis-solves the gold distilled in Coagula, tears apart our egos, dismembers our bodies and hurls any conceptions of perfection back into the primal void. Herein lies death, destruction, and the Prima Materia, the base matter, the Al Khem – the fertile black soil of decomposing forms, the compost for new growth. In an exploration of the Nigredo or Blackening phase of Alchemy, the concepts of Black Magic are re-examined in this ThanatErotic tome of the backward winding path; from the darkness of the womb to the darkness of the tomb…’ In preparing this dark vision, the artist has broken new ground with a series of extraordinary images executed on black paper. We think it some of his best work to date. 70 images printed in black, gold and silver.

Secondhand book, condition: Fine 120 eurosAdd Item

ATUA - Voices from La Societe Voudon Gnostique

ATUA - Voices from La Societe Voudon Gnostique
Edited by David Beth

This first anthology features essays, artwork, and prose and aims to provide insight and inspiration to practitioners on a similar spiritual path. ATUA is a direct result of an intense symbiotic exchange of shamanic sorcerers with the powerful Gods of Esoteric Voudon. Unique in its content and composition, it may serve as a direct link to the inner worlds of Les Mystères. There is a free audio CD supplement which includes material from Jonas Sen and Lightning Path." The editor, David Beth, is the author of Voudon Gnosis and has been the main force in the revival of Esoteric Voudon in the past decade. He is the founder of the Société Voudon Gnostique, and is also a member of the Fraternitas Borealis and Ecclesia Gnostica Aeterna. University educated in Germany and the USA, and well traveled, David presently lives and works between Europe and Brazil.' Contributors include: David Beth, Craig Williams, Vadge Moore, Hagen van Tulien, Dolorosa, Jonas Sen, Jessica Grote, Roberto Migliussi, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, Shannon Esmeralda, Peter Dyde, Ariock Van de Voorde, M.W. Burson, Marc'Aurelio Pozzi, Alan Kostrencic and Zdravko Bozic. Includes a free audio CD supplement which will include material from Jonas Sen and Lightning Path.

Hardcover – First Edition limited to 808 copies. Fulgur Limited, 2011. Hardcover book with CD, 200 pages with 25 color plates. Secondhand book, condition: VG (some signs of use on the bookcloth). 135 eurosAdd Item

Journeys in The Kali Yuga

Journeys in The Kali Yuga
Aki Cederberg

A beautifully evocative account of one man’s odyssey to discover authentic and unbroken magical traditions in the East and reawaken them in the West

• Details the author’s encounters with the Naga Babas, his initiation into their tradition, and his experience at the Kumbh Mela, the largest spiritual gathering on Earth

• Shares the similarities he discovered between the teachings of the Indian tradition and the Western traditions of magic, alchemy, and pagan pantheons

• Introduces a wide cast of characters, including Goa Gil, the world-renowned guru of the Goa techno-trance scene, and Mahant Amar Bharti Ji, a “raised-arm Baba,” who for more than 40 years has held up one arm in devotion to Shiva

Beautifully detailing his spiritual pilgrimage from West to East and back again, in the age of strife known as the Kali Yuga, Aki Cederberg shares the authentic and unbroken magical traditions he experienced in India and Nepal and how his search for a spiritual homeland ultimately led him back to his native Europe.

Cederberg explains how his odyssey began as a search for spiritual roots, something missing in the spiritually disconnected life of the Western world, where the indigenous traditions were long ago severed by the spread of Christianity. Traveling to India, he encounters the ancient esoteric order of mystic, wild, naked holy men known as the Naga Babas, the living source of the Hindu traditions of magic and yoga. Immersing himself in the teachings of the tradition, he receives an initiation and partakes in the Kumbh Mela, the largest spiritual gathering on Earth. With his evocative descriptions, Cederberg shows how traveling in India can be an overwhelming, even psychedelic experience. Everything in this ancient land is multiplied and manifold: people and things, sights and sounds, joy and suffering. Yet beyond the apparent confusion and chaos, a strange, subtle order begins to reveal itself. He starts to glimpse resemblances and analogies between the teachings of the Indian tradition and the Western traditions of magic, alchemy, and pagan pantheons. He meets a wide cast of characters, from mystical hucksters in Rishikesh and the veritable army of naked, chillum-smoking mystics of Maya Devi to Goa Gil, the world-renowned guru of the Goa techno-trance scene, and Mahant Amar Bharti Ji, an urdhvabahu or “raised-arm Baba,” who for more than 40 years has held up one arm in devotion to Shiva.

After extensive traveling and immersing himself in the extraordinary world of India, Cederberg returns to his native soil of Europe. Traveling to holy places where old pagan divinities still linger in the shadows of the modern world, he dreams of forgotten gods and contemplates how they might be awakened yet again, reconnecting the West with its own pre-Christian spiritual traditions, sacred landscapes, and soul. Secondhand book, unread/near mint condition. -SOLD-


Judith Page & Don Webb

Drawing together from scholarship, religion, art and magic Judith Page and Don Webb have added considerably to the unfolding understanding of the figure of Set. Originally situated in the Egyptian culture the god Set has seemingly torn himself loose, finding an improbable contemporary interest and adherents. Rather than deny any of the attempts to apprehend this re-emergence of Set, Page and Webb have integrated, contextualized it, and most importantly given methods for you to create even greater meaning from this highly variable, mysterious and overpowering god. James Fitzsimmons ~High Priest of Set "This is an extremely interesting, thought-provoking and inspirational collection of essays and articles on Set by Judith Page, Don Webb and others. Here are diverse approaches to the deity, ranging from the contemplation of historical material through to considerations on meditational and magical working. The collection is profusely illustrated by examples of Judith’s striking artwork and many historical diagrams and drawings that convey a wealth of information. A very absorbing and enjoyable read; and one which I would heartily recommend to anyone interested in finding out more about Set." Michael Staley, Starfire Publishing ‘Behold, I am creating everything anew’ Another landmark in the rise and rise of Egyptian Seth. Both authors are well-known advocates and devotees of this now, not so hidden god, whose influence on the modern occult revival is difficult to ignore. Co-author Don Webb, calls this his ‘religious text’ and what is on offer is a complete survey of the historical and mythic-field together with extended liturgy and rites, some reconstructed from ancient sources, some created anew. The book is illustrated throughout by Judith Page, who has also re-drawn many famous images or vignettes for the collection, together with informative essays, crucial topics for the mythos. I was particularly struck by Don’s admonition that this book is for the hopeful; ‘an antinomian stance on a polluted and troubled world’ – despite which, a life affirming Seth is at work behind the scenes, creating wealth & reducing poverty ~ Essential stuff. Mogg Morgan author “Phi-Neter: Power of the Egyptian Gods” . Secondhand book, unread copy, near mint condition. Softcover book, 347 pages. 29 eurosAdd Item

4 books set of Scarlet Imprint compilations

4 books set of Scarlet Imprint compilations
Various authors

Set of 4 compilations published by Scarlet Imprint. The set includes:

- Devoted 2008 Various Authors (NM)
- Howlings 2008 Various Authors (NM)
- At the Crossroads 2012 Various authors (NM)
- Serpent Songs 2014 Various Authors (NM)

Regular hardback editions. 970 eurosAdd Item

Hekate manifesting as three horse skulls (2019) - Fine art print

Hekate manifesting as three horse skulls (2019) - Fine art print
David Herrerias

Fine art print of the first edition of The Hekataeon´s cover art printed on high quality art paper. The art print has been handnnumbered and blindstamped with Ixaxaar´s emblem. Very large size, size approx 70 x 40cm, limited edition of 9 copies. (Ixaxaar publication 2019).

Condition: The artprint is secondhand but in its original packaging, unused condition. 650 eurosAdd Item

Set of 2 linoprints

Set of 2 linoprints
Liv Reiney-Smith

Hawk - linoprint
Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 17cm x 28cm. Secondhand, mint condition.

Raven - linoprint
Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 25cm x 53cm. Copy nr. 21/22. Secondhand, mint condition.

The prints will be shipped in a tube. 200 eurosAdd Item

Raven - linoprint

Raven - linoprint
Liv Reiney-Smith

Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 25cm x 53cm. Copy nr. 21/22. Secondhand, mint condition. The print will be shipped in a tube. 150 eurosAdd Item

Hawk - linoprint

Hawk - linoprint
Liv Reiney-Smith

Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 17cm x 28cm. Secondhand, mint condition. 62 eurosAdd Item

Set of 2 linoprints

Set of 2 linoprints
Liv Reiney-Smith

Hawk - linoprint
Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 17cm x 28cm. Secondhand, mint condition.

Raven - linoprint
Linoprint printed on thick cream shade cardboard with uneven page edges. The size of print: 25cm x 53cm. Copy nr. 21/22. Secondhand, mint condition.

The prints will be shipped in a tube. 200 eurosAdd Item

The Tree of Qliphoth - poster EXTRA LARGE

The Tree of Qliphoth - poster EXTRA LARGE
Asenath Mason

A very large size poster published by Edition Roter Drache around 2009. Size of the poster: 59,4 x 84,1 cm (or 23.4 x 33.1 inches), A1 poster size. Secondhand item, condition: fine. -SOLD-

Set of Fiddlers Green issues

Set of Fiddlers Green issues

Collection of Fiddlers Green issues, the set includes:
#4 - Crown & Crossroads
#5 - The Otherwise
#6 - Woodcutters Moon
#7 - Gods of the Afternoon

Fiddlers Green #4 - Crown & Crossroads (2017)
Fourth issue, “Crown & Crossroads,” published June 2017 (1500 copies), with copper titling, a cover drawn by Timothy Renner, and 44 pages of art and magic.

Fiddler’s Green Peculiar Parish Magazine presents essays on individual awakenings to magic in our fourth issue. These 44 pages include art and writing on the seductive nature of spiritual striving, the possibilities of voluntary wonder, self-sovereignty, etiquette, Goetic magic, the eeriness of the English countryside, the powerful messages and entities in Watership Down, and a poem on initiation and landscape. In his opening editorial, Clint Marsh reflects on our collective creation of Fiddler’s Green over the course of the series so far. With letters from readers, reviews of publications received, and instructions for oracular wishing well magic by Craig Conley. 48 illustrations.

Clint Marsh - Our Peculiar Passion
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche - On the Meaning of Life
Melissa Madara - Gettin’ On Okay
Andrew M. Reicart - On Skepticism
Cody Dickerson - Of Magic & Manners
Clint Marsh - The Ring of Truth
Clint Marsh - Courting the Earth
Kenneth MacKriell - England, My Lionheart
Artnoose - Bigwigs & Pipkins
Alex CF - Gods of the Downs

Fiddlers Green #5 - Otherwise (2018)

Printed on luscious paper and featuring the much-loved copper foil titling, a cover drawn by Glyn Smyth, and 48 pages of art and magic. A theme of mirror magic is reflected in several of the stories.

This issue contains letters from readers, reviews of publications received, and articles by Clint Marsh, including... A Fool and His Mana: Considerations on the Power of Magic Rings, The Nearly Perfect Necromancy of Lady Mondegreen: Practicing Malaprop Magic in Song, Speech, and Life,

Guest essays and art include... Pagan Truths in Moominland: The Dark Wisdom of Tove Jansson by Dene Carter, The Witch Tree written and illustrated by Timothy Renner, Alice: New fiction from Ray Nelson illustrated by Alexis Berger, Methods of the Skryer: Preparations & Techniques for the Beginning Seer by Ivo Dominguez, Jr., illustrated by Adrienne Rozzi, The Mirror as Muse: The Inner Navigations & Negotiations of the Witc, by Meredith Howe, illustrated by Caitlin Mattisson, Cutting Hedge & The Old Woods: New poetry by Martin Newell

BONUS FLEXI-DISC: An Anagrammatical Ancestor Spell, text, diagram, and recording by Craig Conley “Our ancestral spell will invoke an invisible yet powerful presence, for a primogenitor was vital in securing one’s very existence.”

Fiddler's Green - Woodcutter's Moon #6 (2019)

Our sixth issue, also known as “Woodcutter’s Moon,” published February 2019. Fiddler’s Green 6 features copper titling, a cover drawn by Matthew Glover of Sin Eater Illustration, and 52 pages of art and magic, including reviews, a letters column, and the following:

Practical Nostalgia, Editorial by Clint Marsh
The Art of Magic: New Enchanted Artifacts at the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic, by Lara C. Cory, illustration by Adrienne Rozzi
Musings of an Urban Herb Hunter: Encountering Plant Allies Within the City Bounds, written and illustrated by Johnny Decker Miller
Doing God a Favour: Sex, Celibacy, and Spirituality, by Muz Murray, illustrations by David D’Andrea
A Compendium of Witches, A Gallery by Nataša Ilinčić
I Woke Up This Morning: How I Learned Three Mystic Truths, and How They Helped, by Clint Marsh
The Confederacy of the Green Door, by Eldred Wormwood, illustrations by Gerhard
Megalithic Donegal, written and illustrated by Sean Fitzgerald
Little Black Cat, written and illustrated by Kelly Patton
The Wizard Laird, by Alan Cynic
Old Growth, by F. J. Bergmann
Kilgour’s Tale: by Kitchen Cynics and Grey Malkin

Fiddlers Green #7 - Gods of the Afternoon (2020)

The seventh issue, also known as “Gods of the Afternoon,” published February 2020.

Fiddler’s Green 7 features copper titling, a cover drawn by Benjamin A. Vierling, and 52 pages of art and magic, including reviews, a letters column, and the following:

Et in Arcadia Ego, by Benjamin A. Vierling
Magic at the Doorstep: Better Dwelling on the Threshold, Editorial by Clint Marsh
The Written Word Where the Veil is Thin: Meaning and Misdirection on the Grimoire Path, by Daniel Yates, illustrated by Drowned Orange
Who Shall Inherit the Earth? Wilderness and Anti-Humanism in Witchcraft, by Melissa Madara, illustrated by Moritz Krebs
Theogony Made Simple: Tracing the Divine Branches of Your Family Tree, written and illustrated by Craig Conley
Descended Masters: William Blake and the Fallen Angels, by Samuel McCabe, with illustrations from William Blake
Releasing Wood Spirits: A Simple Question and a Life’s Work, written and illustrated by Susan Alexander
The Heroine’s Journey, by Kelsey Yandura, illustrated by Jeff Hoke
“A is for Apple,” fiction by Elin Heron, illustrated by Alexis Berger
Remembering Will Cloughley, by Clint Marsh
Utopia and Its Discontents, by Apio Ludd
Mushroom Madness: by Anton Barbeau

Secondhand magazines, all magazines in mint condition. 139 eurosAdd Item

Alchemy Journal - 3 books set

Alchemy Journal - 3 books set
Hardcare, Paul (ed.)

Set of three magazines of Alchemy Journal.
Publisher: Salamander and Sons
Publication Date: 2009

Vol 10 No.1
Vol 10 No. 2
Vol 11 No. 1
Condition: Paperback in new condition -SOLD-