She is known as the black underworldly crone and giantess of the black anti-cosmic runes and magic, who comes at midnight up from under the ground and walks between houses to visit the practitioners of the black arts (or fjölkunnigr, as they were called), to teach them about the black runes and anti-cosmic magic. She is known as first wife, or mistress of Loki. Her names are many, amongst which the most well-known ones are Gullveig, Heiðr, Aurboða, Angrboða and Hyrrokin.
She was looked upon as an evil woman, "illr kona", and the mother of all trolls, "flagð", troll being the Old Norse term for malignant and bestial demons, viewed upon as a thurs-kin, which are often dwellers of the forests, mountains and the underworld.
The book explores Gullveig through Old Norse mythology, sagas, Witchcraft & Poetry, which also includes descriptions of related giants and underworldly locations connected to her, such as: Loki, Jørmungandr, Fenrir, Hel; Jøtunheimr, Helheimr, Niflheimr, and much more.
The Gullveigarbók gives the student a wide overview, explaining the darker side of Norse mythology as a whole, making it an important work for readers searching for knowledge concerning this before seldom explored aspect of Northern Spirituality.
The latter part of the Gullveigarbók book is called Fjølkyngi, witchcraft, and holds the esoteric aspects and praxis of the author's own witchcraft as connected to the Thursatru Tradition - Þursatrú siðr - and divulges aspects of the author's magical Gullveig workings. This part of the book also introduces students to how the Gullveig sigils, or bindrunes are to be employed.
Fall of Man, 2010. Secondhand, condition: Mild hit at lower edge and upper cover boards, subtle scratch on the cover (not really visible). Inside of the book looks unread.