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A Book of the Magi

A Book of the Magi
Lore, Prayers, and Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings

This book traces the cult of the Magi through their lore: their history, art, legends, rituals, and devotions. It examines their political and social influences as well as their cultural and religious impact, showing them to be cast both as legitimisers of established power structures, and as figures who foment profoundly radical dissent. Cummins presents and weighs historical prayers to the Three Holy Kings for their mythic structures and ritual possibilities. In particular this book discusses historiolae found in these prayers - appeals to mythic actions or origins, often by imitation, fit for both devotional meditation and operative sorcery. Finally, this text collects, analyses and explores the spellcraft of the Three Wise-Men: examining the various magical operations calling on Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar found in grimoiric handbooks of magic and folk custom alike. These include workings for travelling, for conjuring spirits, for detection, for protection, for healing, and even for dominating authorities. Overall, A Book of the Magi makes a case for the veneration of the Magi as a loci and catalyst for furthering a folk necromantic practice of working with ancestral magicians. It does this by examining the history, devotion, and magic associated with the Three Kings, as well as demonstrating how components from old manuscripts can be explored and incorporated into a personal practice through awareness of context and careful ritual design. Secondhand, mint condition. 30 eurosAdd Item

Kuzen Azaka Mede: Engaging with the Lwa of Work, Labor, and Land

Kuzen Azaka Mede: Engaging with the Lwa of Work, Labor, and Land

Kuzen Azaka Mede is a powerful and loyal ally from the Djouba nation of Lwa. Within these pages, novices and practitioners alike will find an in-depth discussion about specific terminology related to as well as various mysteries within the nation, as well as a thorough groundwork for working with these spirits. Along with a background on the horrors of Columbus’s arrival in the ‘new world’ which led to a synthesis of African and indigenous practices and offering details about the family tree of the Djouba nation, Kuzen Azaka Mede: Engaging with the Lwa of Work, Labor, and Land provides detailed information concerning offerings, workings, tools, and more to help get you started with working with this Lwa, should he be with you. Ya Sezi bo Oungan offers here a great introduction, primer, and resource for those who are interested in Vodou or Kuzen. Softcover book, 104 pages. 20 eurosAdd Item

Nightside of Eden

Nightside of Eden
Kenneth Grant

Nightside of Eden is an explication of the Cult of Choronzon, and the first initiates exposition of the Mysteries of the Left-Hand Path in relation to Western Occultism. Nightside of Eden reveals the esoteric doctrines of the `black` magick of the Left-Hand Path, as well as the practical applications of psychosexual formulae of which very little if generally known. The book is illustrated not only by the demonic sigils of the other side, which make of it a veritable grimoire of the Dark Doctrine, but also by curious works of siderealism, or stellar art, sprung from the New Aeon consciousness that permeates occult Orders that are in harmony with the Typhonian Tradition. Hardbound in black cloth with a dustjacket. Publisher Starfire 2014. Secondhand, condition: VG, some bookshelf wear on dustjacket, small colouring on the edges of the pages. -SOLD-

The Magical Revival

The Magical Revival
Kenneth Grant

First published in 1972, The Magical Revival became the first volume of three trilogies. It provides a detailed analysis of certain occult traditions which existed long before the Christian epoch, survived its persecutions and anathemas, and reappeared in recent times with renewed vigor. The continuity of this magical current as reflected in the work of Aleister Crowley, A. O. Spare, Dion Fortune and others is here traced through the Tantrik Tradition of the Far East, the Sumerian Cult of Shaitan and the Draconian, Sabian, or Typhonian rites of the 'dark' dynasties of ancient Egypt. The genuine magical tradition as revived by Adepts like Crowley is here related to its ancient sources and brought into line with phases of contemporary occultism that are evolving a New Gnosis to supersede the sterile superstitions bred of an aeon-long misunderstanding of the old. As a contribution to occult lore, The Magical Revival and its companion volumes have become standard source-books in their special field. This enhanced new edition is limited to 1500 copies. Starfire 2010. Hardcover book with a dustjacket, 274 pages. Secondhand, condition VG, signs of use. -SOLD-

Cults of the Shadow

Cults of the Shadow
Kenneth Grant

Many sincere occultists have hesitated to study the notorious left hand path for fear of stumbling into incalculable evil and ultimate damnation. As the last student of Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant has no such hesitations. In he shows that the left hand path has no connection with black magic-it is a legitimate balance to the right hand path dating back to the primeval phases of consciousness. Grant leads us on a dark pathway through Africa's Ophidian (snake) tradition Egypt's Draconian cult and the Tantric secrets of India and Tibet into the present day. Hardbound in black cloth with a dustjacket, 244 pages with 20 illustrations. Starfire 2013. Secondhand, book Near mint, duatjacket: VG. 210 eurosAdd Item


On the Orphic and Pythagorean Underworld, and the Pythagorean Pentagram
J. August Alm

The magical doctrines of the ancient Orphics and Pythagoreans are poorly understood by modern scholars, in part because they were secretive in their own time. Well-known for speaking in riddles and complex ciphers, its adepts were bound by strict taboo and silence, the breaking of which was punishable by death. The enigma of the cult’s teachings was further shrouded by centuries of suppression, and, in some cases, appropriation or misrepresentation, by the growing forces of Christianity. What remains today are the fragments of its lost books, together with the words of those who, for good or ill, wrote about them. In an original interpretation and synthesis apt for today’s student of ancient mysticism and the occult, August Alm advances a new conception of these ancient mystery-cults and their sublime doctrines of Chaos, Darkness and Light. Secondhand, mint condition. -SOLD-

The Testament of Cyprian the Mage - 2 books set

The Testament of Cyprian the Mage - 2 books set
Jake Stratton-Kent

The Testament of Cyprian the Mage is a two volume work of approximately 600 pages endowed with charts, tables, seals etc. and punctuated by specially commissioned pen and ink illustrations by Oliver Liebeskind. Lavishly bound and printed in red and black ink throughout, this is a work of enduring importance and a resource to accompany your ongoing study.

Secondhand, condition: Near Mint (in other dustjacket very small sign of use), both in very clean condition, close to mint condition. 590 eurosAdd Item

Geosophia: The Argo of Magic - 2 books set

Geosophia: The Argo of Magic - 2 books set
Jake Stratton-Kent

Geosophia: The Argo of Magic is Jake Stratton-Kent’s masterpiece. Tracing the development of magic from the Greeks to the grimoires, it lays bare the chthonic roots of goetic ritual. By exposing the necromantic origins of much of modern magic we are able to reconnect with the source of our ritual tradition. There is a continuity of practice in the West which encompasses the pre-Olympian cults of Dionysus and Cybele, is found in the Greek Magical Papyri and Picatrix and flows into the grimoires. Rather than a muddle of superstition, the grimoire tradition is revealed as the living descendant of the ancient practices of the Goes.

This is a work which redefines our understanding of the Western tradition, one which does not begin with Kabbalah or Solomon, but rather descends into the Underworld and brings forth new life. JSK illuminates scarce and overlooked texts with an incisive commentary, from volcanic conjurations to over 70 pages dealing with Picatrix. Following the voyage of the Argonauts, Geosophia offers biographies of the heroes and gods, and discovers the hidden magical meanings and significance of their actions and adventures.

Yet this is not a history lesson, JSK foresees a global synthesis of magic where Western goetic magic, reconnected to its chthonic origins can dovetail with the African Traditional Religions. Like The True Grimoire, this further work in the Encyclopædia Goetica series is both a scholarly and eminently practical work. Geosophia equips the modern grimoire magician with an arsenal of techniques and approaches that will transform their personal art.

The mythic structure of Geosophia anchors the practice of the modern necromancer in an indigenous yet eclectic history which transfuses the Western magical tradition with the same vitality that we find in the African diaspora religions.

Secondhand, condition: Near Mint, slight bend in corner of frontcover, very clean copies. -SOLD-


Various Authors

Delving deeper into the grimoires, Diabolical suggests that we make our pact with the spirits. A serious account of the workings and practice undertaken with these forbidden books. The grimoire tradition is being reinvigorated in the living practice of the carcists, magicians and sorcerors who dare to work with these books. Those who do this work, regardless of whether they trepass amongst the angels or daemons, are often slandered as diabolical. Their books are also regarded as diabolical, being incomprehensible, demonic and without spiritual or practical value. They now throw this back at their accusers by demonstrating that these books are more complex than black and white theology allows, and as repositories of forbidden knowledge are worth their weight in gold. They are upholding their side of the pact and continuing to produce the most groundbreaking and relevant titles of the modern occult revival.

To this end, Scarlet Imprint have convened an international cabal of writers and artists from England, Poland, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Brazil, Canada and America. The writers for this project are: Jake Stratton-Kent; Erik de Pauw; Aaron Leitch; Paul Hughes-Barlow; Mark Smith; Stafford Stone; Thomas Karlsson; Johnny Jakobsson; The anonymous author of Pharaoan; Humberto Maggi; John J Coughlin; Krzysztof Azarewicz; Donald Tyson Kyle Fite. These individuals meet for the first time within the pages of Diabolical and give tongue to their excursions into these texts and others: The Red Dragon/Grand Grimoire; Grimorium Verum; Lemegeton; The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage; The Testament of Solomon; The Nightside of Eden; The Wisdom of S'lba; Qutub; Liber 231; Liber 325 the Bartzabel Working; The Holy Books of Thelema; The Voudon Gnostic Workbook; The Taufer books.

Substantial essays and inspired original artwork, strikingly bound. Secondhand book, condition Near Mint (subtle scratch on the cover). 250 eurosAdd Item



She is known as the black underworldly crone and giantess of the black anti-cosmic runes and magic, who comes at midnight up from under the ground and walks between houses to visit the practitioners of the black arts (or fjölkunnigr, as they were called), to teach them about the black runes and anti-cosmic magic. She is known as first wife, or mistress of Loki. Her names are many, amongst which the most well-known ones are Gullveig, Heiðr, Aurboða, Angrboða and Hyrrokin. She was looked upon as an evil woman, "illr kona", and the mother of all trolls, "flagð", troll being the Old Norse term for malignant and bestial demons, viewed upon as a thurs-kin, which are often dwellers of the forests, mountains and the underworld.

The book explores Gullveig through Old Norse mythology, sagas, Witchcraft & Poetry, which also includes descriptions of related giants and underworldly locations connected to her, such as: Loki, Jørmungandr, Fenrir, Hel; Jøtunheimr, Helheimr, Niflheimr, and much more.

The Gullveigarbók gives the student a wide overview, explaining the darker side of Norse mythology as a whole, making it an important work for readers searching for knowledge concerning this before seldom explored aspect of Northern Spirituality.

The latter part of the Gullveigarbók book is called Fjølkyngi, witchcraft, and holds the esoteric aspects and praxis of the author's own witchcraft as connected to the Thursatru Tradition - Þursatrú siðr - and divulges aspects of the author's magical Gullveig workings. This part of the book also introduces students to how the Gullveig sigils, or bindrunes are to be employed.

Fall of Man, 2010. Secondhand, condition: Mild hit at lower edge and upper cover boards, subtle scratch on the cover (not really visible). Inside of the book looks unread. -SOLD-

Black magic evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash (secondhand)

Black magic evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash (secondhand)
G. de Laval

Black Magic Evocation of the Shem ha Mephorash peels back the derivative layers of the Lesser Key of Solomon to the original Shem ha Mephorash, a series of 72 names which date back more than two thousand years and comprise a composite invocation of Infinity. The system of how these names were derived is given, along with exhaustive research into each of these entities and their placement within the larger matrix of the Greater Shem ha Mephorash catalog. Also included are tables of correspondences and necromantic tables of months, days and hours propitious for the practice of black magick and necromancy. An entire system of self-initiation, meditation and ceremonial conjuration is also given so that brave magicians can dissect the Abrahamic creator deity and then summon the dismembered pieces as demonic spirits that carry occult energy currents between the worlds of life and death. Hardbound, 509 pages. Third printing, 2023. A full black cloth bound hardcover, 120 grams paper book-block and adorned with a large gold foil sigil stamp to the front cover and gold foil lettering to the spine. Secondhand copy, mint. -SOLD-

Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

Little Key, more widely known as The Lesser Key of Solomon, includes all five books of the seventeenth century work, itself arising from manuscripts of earlier centuries. The five books being: Ars Goetia, detailing the seventy-two Demons, their seals and conjuring for magical purposes. Ars Theurgia-Goetia, for the conjuring of the thirty-one chief spirits and their ministers to do the magician’s bidding. Ars Paulina, by which to call upon the Angels of the hours of the day and night and of the signs of the zodiac. Ars Almadel, which gives instruction for the creation and use of the waxen altar for the summoning of spirits. And Ars Notoria, giving oratations and prayers for Divine union and knowledge of the arts and sciences. Book is a black case binding with copper foil blocking to the front and spine, endpapers, with green and black head and tailbands. Hardcover book, 200 pages. Condition: VG, two tiny hits at the top edge of the backcover. -SOLD-

At the Crossroads

At the Crossroads
Various Authors

At the crossroads the paths of magicians and worlds meet. Grimoire and root workers, Hoodoo and Vodoun, Quimbanda and Ifa. A potent fusion is occuring, a second diaspora. At the Crossroads tells the stories of what happens when the Western Magical Tradition encounters the African Diaspora and Traditional religions, and vice versa. It is a mixing and a magic that speaks of a truly new world emerging. In this gathering of kindred spirits, experiences are shared between initiates of very different cultures whose magic proves to be underpinned by the same principles, though clothed in different garb. We find the grimoires of Old Europe flourishing in the New World, Juju spreading through the United States, the Cunning men of Essex rendering service to the Lwa of Haitian Voudon, alchemists who are Paleros, the techniques of the Greek Magical Papyri applied to Conjure counter-hexing. This is fertile ground for the imagination, and practice. At The Crossroads is extensively illustrated, in both black and white and colour with original artworks and in depth essays by leading practitioners of the occult community from New York to Bristol, and from London to Brazil. An important contribution made at the point where all the roads meet. Where we encounter the most traditional approaches and the wildest fringes of the avant garde, At the Crossroads boldly demands your attention. Hardbound book. Secondhand, mint condition. -SOLD-

La Petit Albert

La Petit Albert

First edition, hand numbered edition. Secondhand copy, fine condition.

In some respects, Le Petit Albert was the epitome of the Bibliothèque Bleue grimoires: it appeared from virtually nowhere in the early eighteenth century, was almost immediately condemned by the censor, and was spread across France by itinerant booksellers passing from village to village, town to town.

This edition celebrates the text as a window into the lives of the small people, with its advice on how to win at fishing, turn table-wine into fine liqueur, stop your spouse wandering and keep the actual wolf from the door. This folk wisdom blends into Paracelsan magic and the famed description of the Hand of Glory and the Mandrake, which formed the basis for a fascination which endures to this day. But much more than that, Le Petit Albert became synonymous with sorcery in the French colonies of North America and the Caribbean and is one of the most important texts in traditional New World magic. We have worked from the 'Lyon' edition dated 1752, which expands on the earlier editions and stabilizes the text, apparently forming the solid basis for what followed. 90 eurosAdd Item

Argarizim - The Fall of         Lucifer

Argarizim - The Fall of Lucifer
Johannes Nefastos

Argarizim continues studies where Fosforos left off; disclosing a deeper understanding of the Luciferian gnosis, one that is not focused on carnality or egotism, but on the pursuit of true realization concerning the essence of Satan and the philosophy of the occult, focusing in this book more specifically on areas that otherwise are rarely treated in general LHP literature. The book concentrates, amongst other topics, on the influences of emotions, as connected to aspects of Cardinal Sins, within the advancement of the initiate, explaining the differences between satanic paths and their progressive and regressive effects within the spiritual context. Dangers of the astral realms in connection to interactions with their denizens and the different states of the Spirit in the afterlife are also amongst the varied occult topics addressed, making this book most valuable for the students that have experienced the trials of the Mortification phase and that now reach for deeper and higher understanding concerning spiritual evolution as it is perceived within the author’s Brotherhood of the Star of Azazel.

The book consists of twelve chapters (each named after a certain stage of the descent into the Dantean Hell) plus prologue & epilogue. Hardbound book, 139 pages. Secondhand copy, signs of use on the cloth. 70 eurosAdd Item

FOSFOROS (Near mint)

FOSFOROS (Near mint)
Johannes Nefastos

One of the most intellectually sophisticated and in-depth texts of modern Satanism/ Left Hand Path and its spirituality ever produced. This valuable occult study delves the student of the Left Hand Path into a comprehensive philosophical system providing a Study on the Being & Essence of Satan, exploring topics such as the Philosophy of God, Philosophical Anthropology, Eschatology, Metaphysics, Cosmology, and various other subjects of Satanism and Mysticism that will guide the serious seeker to form a complete worldview. With the aim of total unity and of understanding opposites, considering even the most wrathful arguments of the downward path of the soul's death in an unbiased way, Fosforos seeks to build on the fundamental doctrine of Oneness: the quintessences of both the Right Hand Path and the Left Hand Path are herein joined into one amalgam, as they have always been in the heart of a true aspirant.

The six different parts of Fosforos; Polyharmonia: The Philosophy of Oneness / Discordamelior: The Philosophy of Perdition / Necrosophia: The Philosophy of Death / Pentagrammaton: The Consistency of Man and the Practice of Magic / Cista Mystica: The Symbology of Satanism / Legifer & Clavis Magica: Ritual, each approach from a different perspective the core ideas of the text, namely Satan and the Occult science of Magic. Despite its paradoxical and labyrinthine manner of expression, often using totally opposing arguments to understand and live for the great whole, Fosforos is not written to be just another theoretical study of the Left Hand Path, philosophical treatise, or Satanic Manifesto, but rather is a work for devotional and practical living, should the reader choose to aspire on this narrow path of Ascension.

Regular Edition: Large size format, 226 pages, hardbound in matt black faux leather with a full-color dust jacket and frontispiece. Spine blocked with burning red foil and front cover blind stamped with symbols. Illustrated endpapers. Secondhand copy, condition: Near Mint. 360 eurosAdd Item

FOSFOROS (condition: VG)

FOSFOROS (condition: VG)

One of the most intellectually sophisticated and in-depth texts of modern Satanism/ Left Hand Path and its spirituality ever produced. This valuable occult study delves the student of the Left Hand Path into a comprehensive philosophical system providing a Study on the Being & Essence of Satan, exploring topics such as the Philosophy of God, Philosophical Anthropology, Eschatology, Metaphysics, Cosmology, and various other subjects of Satanism and Mysticism that will guide the serious seeker to form a complete worldview. With the aim of total unity and of understanding opposites, considering even the most wrathful arguments of the downward path of the soul's death in an unbiased way, Fosforos seeks to build on the fundamental doctrine of Oneness: the quintessences of both the Right Hand Path and the Left Hand Path are herein joined into one amalgam, as they have always been in the heart of a true aspirant.

The six different parts of Fosforos; Polyharmonia: The Philosophy of Oneness / Discordamelior: The Philosophy of Perdition / Necrosophia: The Philosophy of Death / Pentagrammaton: The Consistency of Man and the Practice of Magic / Cista Mystica: The Symbology of Satanism / Legifer & Clavis Magica: Ritual, each approach from a different perspective the core ideas of the text, namely Satan and the Occult science of Magic. Despite its paradoxical and labyrinthine manner of expression, often using totally opposing arguments to understand and live for the great whole, Fosforos is not written to be just another theoretical study of the Left Hand Path, philosophical treatise, or Satanic Manifesto, but rather is a work for devotional and practical living, should the reader choose to aspire on this narrow path of Ascension.

Regular Edition: Large size format, 226 pages, hardbound in matt black faux leather with a full-color dust jacket and frontispiece. Spine blocked with burning red foil and front cover blind stamped with symbols. Illustrated endpapers.

Secondhand copy, condition: VG, mildly bent corners, few mild hits at the edge of the boards. A clean copy. 270 eurosAdd Item

The Catechism of Lucifer - Regular edition

The Catechism of Lucifer - Regular edition
Johannes Nefastos

The Ten Commandments of Lucifer / The Satanic Credo in Three Creeds / The Master's Prayer in Six Articles / Of Lucifer's sacraments / Of Demons / Of Magic / Of the Responsibility of the Individual / Of Satan / And many relevant quotations taken from the different sources of Star of Azazel's literature.

The Catechism of Lucifer was written as a counter-gospel for the Evangelical Lutheran catechism, but in addition to this, it represents a Gnostic form of Satanism on its own. In this book is outlined the path out of worldliness, out of theology mortally wounded by its false theodicy, even out of humanity taken as something small-minded, powerless and petty. The Catechism of Lucifer is founded upon the idea that by hating the perverted picture made of God by the Christian doctrine, we may truly attain higher possibilities for our Spiritual development and Empowerment. On this demanding but beautiful and meaningful path we are led by our innermost potential of ingeniosity, the divine Master Lucifer.

The teachings within this books are not suitable for masses of animal men whose fears and aspirations bind them tightly to the mortal world of forms. They suit only the brave, the proud, the ones permeated by the breath of Master Satan, the ones for whom suffering and damnation as a price of their own ideals is not a sacrifice but rather a reward in this distorted world.

Regular Edition: Hardbound book, in black antique pattern faux leather, pages pressed on special linen embossed paper. Gold inverted cross on the cover, each catechism is finished with a black silk ribbon and cream colour head- and tailbands. Small size book, 82 pages of religious texts.

Secondhand, condition: Fine -SOLD-

Dragon Rouge Magikurs 1.0 (Swedish text)

Dragon Rouge Magikurs 1.0 (Swedish text)

Dragon Rouge Magikurs 1.0. Swedish language text. Condition: VG. -SOLD-

Mörk Magi (Swedish text)

Mörk Magi (Swedish text)
Tommie Eriksson

Mörk magi är skriven av Tommie Eriksson, medlem sedan starten i den nu etablerade magiska organisationen Dragon Rouge. Mörk magi är en unik bok. Den tar upp ämnen som ytterst få tidigare berört och vilka alltid har varit omdebatterade. Ämnen som kundalini och kliffoth varvas med alkemi och vänstra handens väg filosofi. Boken tar upp mycket av den så kallade drakonska filosofin och bekriver en mängd praktiska övningar. Mörk magi introducerarläsaren i en ofta missuppfattad magisk tradition, den ger svar på många grundliga frågeställningar men ger även den mer initierade läsaren mycket av värde. Condition: Secondhand, poor condition, a reading copy. Dedication text in inner board to previous owner. -SOLD-

Morkrets Apostlar (Swedish text)

Morkrets Apostlar (Swedish text)
Per Faxneld

Hur såg satanism ut före 1900-talets mitt? I denna inträngande religionshistoriska analys - den första av sitt slag på svenska - får vi veta mer om medeltida kätteri, svarta mässor vid det franska hovet på 1600-talet, om Baudelaire och andra litterära Lucifers lovtalare. Och hur förhöll sig ockultister som H. P. Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner och Aleister Crowley till Satan? Vilka var polacken Stanislaw Przybyszewski och dansken Ben Kadosh, som båda öppet framlade satanistiska system kring sekelskiftet 1800-1900? Vi får även läsa om det hemlighetsfulla Fraternitas Saturni i 1920-talets Berlin, samt mycket annat. Antal sidor: ca 270s.

Publisher: Ouroboros Produktion. 1 uppl. 2006. Secondhand copy, condition: Fine, subtle scratches on the cover, no dustjacket. Svenska / Swedish language. -SOLD-

Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska magin (Swedish text)

Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska magin (Swedish text)
Thomas Karlsson

Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska magin är en unik bok om filosofi, psykologi, religion och magi. Boken har uppkommit efter många års studier av de ämnen som gett den dess titel. Boken är inte bara en praktisk introduktion till magin, utan presenterar även den kabbalistiska filosofin på ett djuplodat sätt. Bokens röda tråd är utforskandet av kliffot och de mörka mysterier som länge varit en undanträngd del av den västerländska mystiken. Istället för att förneka och förtränga den mörka sidan visar författaren hur människan stegvis kan lära känna sin skugga och på så sätt nå en djupare självkännedom. Genom att utforska och inte förneka Skuggan kan den omvandlas från att vara en nedbrytande princip till att bli en kreativ kraft. Boken beskriver kabbalans symbol 'Livets träd', tio sefirot och de tjugotvå stigar som motsvarar aspekter av människans psyke. Som den första boken i sitt slag presenterar Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska magin även kabbalans mörka sida, 'kunskapens träd', de tio kliffot och de tunnlar som löper genom tillvarons nattsida. Boken tar upp det ondas problem, symboliken bakom Lucifers fall och människans självskapelseprocess enligt den kabbalistiska filosofin. Författaren håller bokens teorier nära praktiken och ger exempel på ritualer, meditationer, magiska övningar och ockulta korrespondenser. Flera av dessa är hämtade från den svartkonstlitteratur som under många århundraden var en förbjuden del av den europeiska kulturen. Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska magin innehåller fler än hundra demonsigill, liksom konstverk som skapats speciellt för denna bok. För första gången på svenska beskrivs samtliga demoner som ingår i den klassiska svartkonstboken Lemegeton: Salomos mindre nycklar och den ökända Grimorium Verum.

Publisher: Ouroboros Produktion, 2nd edition. Secondhand copy, condition: VG, signs of use. Svenska / Swedish language text. -SOLD-

Dragon rouge - set (In English)

Dragon rouge - set (In English)

Dragon rouge set in English, the set includes:
Dracontias: No 1 (2014)
Dracontias: No 1 (2015)
Dracontias: No 2 (2015)

Magical course letter 1
Magical course letter 2
Magical course letter 3
Magical course letter 4
Magical course letter 5
Nebiros et Ars Necromantica


Lords of the Left-Hand Path

Lords of the Left-Hand Path
Stephen E. Flowers

Here we have a study of Left-Hand Path individuals and groups ranging from ancient times to modern movements. Ancient paths discussed include the eastern religious forms discovered in Hinduism and Buddhism, the Eqyptian cult of Set, Zoroastrianism and among the Sufis and Yezidis. A whole chapter is devoted to Hitler and the occult aspect of Nazism. In the more modern period, individuals analyzed include H.P. Lovecraft, H.P. Blavatsky, G.I. Gurdjieff, Aleister Crowley, A.O. Spare, Gregorius and Gerald Gardner. Two extensive and comprehensive chapters are devoted to the 20th century phenomena of Anton LaVeys Church of Satan and Michael Aquinos teachings in the Temple of Set. Softcover book, 260 pages.

Secondhand copy, condition: VG, a folding on the cover, signs of use. 120 eurosAdd Item

Seven Crossroads of Night

Seven Crossroads of Night
Quimbanda in Theory and Practice
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

In Seven Crossroads of Night Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold sets forth the foundation for Quimbanda in theory and practice, presenting a blueprint for the themes that generate the variety of ways Quimbanda can be approached.

Quimbanda is a Brazilian cult of sorcery that has been preserved in different modalities – either as a secret cult, a necromantic cult, or as an open, religious tradition. Formed of indigenous, African, and European streams of wisdom and sorcery, this unique cult of Exu and Pomba Gira is safeguarded by these amazing entities in diverse ways across Brazil. Remaining strong in their own power, these unique entities represent the mystery of the crossroad, the voice of the graveyard, and the force of life that generates endurance, direction, and honour through the lessons given from life itself and the ancestors.

Though Quimbanda has flourished in the world during the last decade, with the flow and spread of the cult of Exu and Pomba Gira comes questions, misinformation, and confusion along with the fertile ground for its growth. In such a landscape it is good to have waymarks to follow and a map which reveals the lay of the land in the world of these powerful spirits. Frisvold, a resident of Brazil since 2003 who has dedicated the last three decades in study and initiation of cults of sorcery, wisdom, and cunning craft guides us though the intricacies of Quimbanda, offering a simple and effective guide to work with Exu and Pomba Gira. Hardcover book, 204 pages. Secondhand, condition VG, signs of use on the cover. 40 eurosAdd Item

Pomba Gira and the Quimbanda of Mbumba Nzila

Pomba Gira and the Quimbanda of Mbumba Nzila
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

A significant study on the cult of Pomba Gira, this is the most comprehensive work in the English language on the Devil's mistress, whose Brazilian cult has bewitched so many. It is a book that those seeking congress with the current of strong female magical sexuality have long desired. A beguiling spirit, Pomba Gira gives solace to the broken hearted, vengeance for the wronged, and a fierce path for those that would take her as muse. In Pomba Gira Frisvold gives explicit workings, baths and waters, her songs and chants. Her plant allies among the nightshades are described in a full herbarium. Hardcover book, 232 pages, extensively illustrated with pontos riscados and 13 erotic line drawings.

Secondhand, condition: Near Mint (few tiny white "spots" in few places). 250 eurosAdd Item

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

Exu & the Quimbanda of Night and Fire by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold is the companion to Pomba Gira. Together they give the most complete account of this sorcerous cult. Exu is the fusion of Umbanda, Angolan sorcery, European demonology and Kardec’s Spiritism, erupting in a uniquely Brazilian cult. In this book practical magical action. spells, workings, hierarchies and origins are all given in detail. This is an essential text for students of the grimoires, Satanism and traditional witchcraft; as well as those drawn to or working within the cults of Quimbanda, Candomblé, Santería, Palo Mayombe and the African diaspora religions.

Quimbanda is a living tradition that gets results. It is a massive storehouse of magical lore, heresies and history which has absorbed aspects of goetia through such grimoires as Grimorium Verum, Red Dragon, and even Huysman’s Là Bas. Hardcover book, 352 pages.

Secondhand copy, condition VG (one corner slightly bent on the backcover). 159 eurosAdd Item

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire

Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Exu & the Quimbanda of Night and Fire by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold is the companion to Pomba Gira. Together they give the most complete account of this sorcerous cult. Exu is the fusion of Umbanda, Angolan sorcery, European demonology and Kardec’s Spiritism, erupting in a uniquely Brazilian cult. In this book practical magical action. spells, workings, hierarchies and origins are all given in detail. This is an essential text for students of the grimoires, Satanism and traditional witchcraft; as well as those drawn to or working within the cults of Quimbanda, Candomblé, Santería, Palo Mayombe and the African diaspora religions.

Quimbanda is a living tradition that gets results. It is a massive storehouse of magical lore, heresies and history which has absorbed aspects of goetia through such grimoires as Grimorium Verum, Red Dragon, and even Huysman’s Là Bas. Hardcover book, 352 pages.

Secondhand copy, condition VG (bookshelf wear on the backcover). 169 eurosAdd Item

Set: Feral Transmissions Issue 1 + Feral Transmissions Issue 2

Set: Feral Transmissions Issue 1 + Feral Transmissions Issue 2
Various authors

Feral Transmissions Issue 1

2013 40pp Belzebez A5 paperback. Illustrated. Design in black to front cover. French flaps. Ltd. edition of 50 copies. Diamonic Inauguration issue. Includes: Gristle wings, gengel stampede by F.S.K., Ktemagna Veign’mana by Johnny Jakobsson and Michael Idehall, Transmission of Goto-Avam by Rolf Lindbohm, Rendevouz with Carancara and KakaxandraOk – Serpentine Glossolalia by Fredrik Eytzinger, The Language of the Birds, Studies on the Adulruna, Exodeus and Exodeus 2 by Michael Idehall, The Silent Teachings of Baba Babash by Sara van der Meer, The Tower of Quietuses by Karl-Oskar Larsson.

Feral Transmissions Issue 2

1st 2015 60pp Belzebez A4 journal. Illustrated. Bound in a black, straight cut folder with foil stampings. Numbered with a stamped card, several art polaroids loosely inserted.

Ltd. ed. of 50 copies. This issue titled From the Vault. Incorporates articles, concepts and ideas that for some reasons never have met the public eye, rediscovered by our contributors hidden in notebooks or text files on old backup drives. The texts contain ideas from the common pool that constitute the machinery of the artistic collective BELZEBEZ, or tomes forgotten in an archive or in the penumbra of the mind.

Fredrik Eytzinger - Kakaxandraok II: Theophany of the Dragon Michael Idehall - Postlude to the House of Flames, Johnny Jakobsson - Doctor Kammamori's Alaya Emporium, Rolf Lidbohm - Spirits of the Room, Sara van der Meer - The Tower and the Bird, Timo Pedersen - Gates of Dreaming: An 'Art of Dreaming' Distillation (a Castañeda reader) plus more. Secondhand copies. 70 eurosAdd Item

Magical Amulets: A Personal View of Thai Buddhist Esoterica - booklet

Magical Amulets: A Personal View of Thai Buddhist Esoterica - booklet
Sheer Zed

One can identify the unending esoterica associated with Thai Buddhist amulets as something of a cult, a craze, an industry, and indeed a deep fetish-driven wormhole which Sheer Zed willingly and quite happily fell into. Amulets come in an encyclopaedic and panoramic variety of shapes, sizes, and lineages, as well as spiritual and/or magical functionality. They are worn on various parts of the body, hidden under clothes, secreted in pockets, and sequestered in all manner of ways. In Magical Amulets: A Personal View of Thai Buddhist Esoterica, Sheer Zed invites the reader into the enclosed environs of his private shrine or special room (hong phra) to share some interesting examples of Thai Buddhist esoterica, including the Baphomet Prai Amulet and the Ong Kru Ghost Bone Phra Pidtaa Prai Amulet by Ajarn Apichai, the Nine Tailed Fox Amulet by Phra Ajarn O Putthoraksar, the Ong Kru Amulet Dedicated to the Necromancer Phor Sala Tan by Phor Noi Tan, and more. Booklet, 24 pages. Secondhand copy. -SOLD-

The Devil's Bestiary: The Magpie - booklet

The Devil's Bestiary: The Magpie - booklet
Khamai Yinepu

In The Devil’s Bestiary: The Magpie, author Khamai Yinepu provides an overview of the Magpie’s appearance in folk lore and song, its nature and powers, and explores its special relationship with the Devil. He then offers instructions for an operation to create an empowered magpie foot fetish by making a pact with Mr Magpie himself. Booklet, 12 pages. Secondhand copy. 10 eurosAdd Item

Hoodoo Mojo Bags and Baby Dolls - booklet

Hoodoo Mojo Bags and Baby Dolls - booklet

One of the essential tools used in Hoodoo folk practice is the mojo bag which acts as a container of magical force(s), similar to a spirit box or pot. They serve as amulets or better still as charm bags and are commonly used in hoodoo folk practice, with its origins rooted in West Africa. A Hoodoo Doll-Baby, Dolly, Poppet, Effigy, is a representation of a person made in the likeness of the target and is one of the most essential tools used in Hoodoo sympathetic sorcery. In Hoodoo Mojo Bags & Baby Dolls author James Udung describes the construction, preparation and use of these tools in this follow-up to his Hoodoo Graveyard Sorcery. 10 eurosAdd Item

Black Dog Folklore

Black Dog Folklore
Mark Norman

Special Edition; a limited edition of 300 hand-numbered examples, bound in a red cloth, with black foil blocking to the front and spine, black endpapers, with black head and tail bands.

A comprehensive study of the image of the Black Dog in folklore, with an extensive gazetteer of over 700 UK sightings and traditions.

Pagination: 248 pages, on 80gsm paper stock including line drawings and figures, plus 12 pages of black and white photographic plates.

Chapter 1 – A general description of dog ghosts
Chapter 2 – Dogs of the westcountry
Chapter 3 – Family dogs
Chapter 4 – Protective dogs
Chapter 5 – Shucks and barguests
Chapter 6 – Roads and bridges
Chapter 7 – Church grims and death folklore
Chapter 8 – Dreams and visions
Chapter 9 – The black dog in the landscape
Chapter 10 – The black dog in modern times
Appendix – A gazetteer of uk black dog sightings and traditions

Secondhand copy, condition: mint, unread copy. 95 eurosAdd Item

Canticles of Lilith

Canticles of Lilith
Nicholaj & Katy de Mattos Frisvold

In The Canticles of Lilith we meet a power that adorns herself in absence, whose true persuasion consist in the cult of reverence and self-deification where this terrible, amoral force finds its apotheosis as the stellar and cosmic root of movement in itself and from this the shadow of all things visible and tangible. Raphael Patai pointed out the remarkable spiritual evolution of Lilith, how she went from being a malevolent storm goddess and a failure in the eyes of Adam, to the bride of Samael, the Queen of Zemargad and Sheba, this she-demon rising to be the consort and secret word at par with God in the Kabbalistic age. The Canticles of Lilith is focused in following the Lilithian theme with a focus on her ‘atmosphere’ or ‘constellation’ where she is analysed as a vampiric spirit, a Satanic muse, the witch-mother and the very vibrant and erotic word of creation, the holy spirit herself. This wide web of Lilithian analysis gives way for her cosmic dimensions and her various manifestations astrologically, Luciferian, Satanic, as a spirit of illness and of the erotic. The Canticles of Lilith casts a wide web in order to understand this force who rejects worship and thrives in the mystery of gravity and anti-matter. Softcover, 264 pages.

New book, some bookshelf wear. 40 eurosAdd Item

The Black Toad

The Black Toad
Gemma Gary

Gemma Gary's second book; The Black Toad - West Country Witchcraft and Magic explores potent examples of the folk-ceremonial magical practices and witchcraft of the south-west of England; dealing especially with Devon and the author’s homeland of Cornwall. Within the West Country, the popular belief in witchcraft and its attendant charms, magical practices and traditions continued to be observed and survived long after such ways had faded in most other parts of the British Isles.

Described within The Black Toad is a collection of some of the fascinating magical practices and lore of the West Country’s cunning folk and early modern witches; ways that have survived and evolved within the rarefied Craft of the area’s modern day witchcraft practitioners of the old persuasion. As this book affirms, these ways of the Old Craft and Cunning Arte include a belief in and working relationship with the spirit forces of the land, the Faerie, animal and plant lore, as well as the magical use of Psalms to cure or curse, the invocation of Christ and the power of the Holy Trinity. First printing 2012. Secondhand, mint condition. Hardbound book, 140 pages. 120 eurosAdd Item


Erica Jong

In prose and poetry, the witch is examined as historical reality and as archetype--Halloween hag, full-breasted seductress, natural healer, never without peer, scapegoat, and lingering vestige of a primeval religion--in a study that also features recipes for love potions, formulas for spells, incantations, and stunning full-color artwork. Heavily illustrated. Hardcover, secondhand book, condition VG. Large size format. 60 eurosAdd Item

The Grimoire Encyclopaedia - 2 volumes set (hardcover)

The Grimoire Encyclopaedia - 2 volumes set (hardcover)

Set of two books: Book I: 756 pages + Book II: 676 pages.

Hardcover books, VG condition, few subtle marks/scratches. In the binding some unevenness under the cloth in the spine. Tight binding, unread set. 390 eurosAdd Item

The Grimoire Encyclopaedia - 2 volumes set (softcover)

The Grimoire Encyclopaedia - 2 volumes set (softcover)
David Rankine

Grimoires are the practical texts of magic, written in most cases by practitioners. They are therefore central to understanding how magic really works. Before the twenty-first century, the number of grimoires in print was limited, but in the last quarter of a century, many more have been discovered in manuscript and appeared in print. Keeping track of all of them has become a difficult task. David Rankine has solved this difficulty with his most recent book, the massive two-volume Grimoire Encyclopaedia: a convocation of spirits, texts, materials, and practices. This is a work of incredible scholarship by someone who truly understands his subject. David documents and explains more than one hundred individual grimoires, their history, and their makeup, setting them in the continuum of experimental magic.

Volume 1 provides the most extensive collection of resources ever gathered on the grimoire tradition along with a spirit list of all the catalogued grimoires. The fourteen huge appendixes in Volume 2 include a survey of magical tools, magic circles, and much more. Spanning hundreds of years and including both familiar grimoires and others virtually unknown until recently, these books are certainly destined to become a key classic in the field. They deserve to be on the bookshelves of all magicians and scholars of grimoire studies.

Set of two books: Book I: 756 pages + Book II: 676 pages. Softcover books. Condition: New, some bookshelf wear. 90 eurosAdd Item

IXAXAAR Large bookmarks

IXAXAAR Large bookmarks

IXAXAAR´s bookmarks set, 3 Large bookmarks with silver tassels. The bookmarks are printed on black cardboard with silver printing. The set contains 3 different bookmarks. Large size, 5,5cm x 26,6 cm. 30 eurosAdd Item

THURSAKYNGI - Volume 1 - Book

THURSAKYNGI - Volume 1 - Book
The Essence of Thursian Sorcery

Volume I is the first book of in this set of Thursatru Grimoires and presents outline for the foundation in Thursatru Tradition. This book will be for the Seekers of the Giant's Path; those that seek the ancient wisdom through the experience and Illumination of the forces of Chaos. The main topics in this series of books will focus spiritual workings, rune mysteries, practical sorcery, High Thursian Magic, religious aspects and worship of the divinity of Nifl and Muspell, interpretation and understandings of the Norse mythology and gigantology, Hel-workings, synthesis of pre-Christian Norse, gnostic and LHP perspectives, lycanthropy and different forms of shape-shifting within the Hamr-workings and much more, manifesting a practical path of the religio-sorcerous cult of the titanic forces referred to as Thurses. Thursatru is a new progeny of the old pre-Christian Norse religion, mythology and gigantology, serving here to manifest the impulses striving to overthrow the limitations of cosmic creation. The first book will be an offering and dedication to the primordial powers beyond the ordered universe. May the Flames of Surtr be the essence of this book and the Poisonous Blood of Aurgelmir flow as and through its ink.

Regular edition: Hardcover book bound in black leatherette, cover embossed with a Sword and goldfoiled with a Dragon stamping, black endpapers. 279 pages including 20 pages glossy photograph chapter. Third printing 2022. 55 eurosAdd Item

The Calendrier Magique

The Calendrier Magique

The Calendrier Magique, translated as the "Magical Calendar" in English, is a French publication from the late XIXth century. This calendar, of great rarity, as it was printed in only 777 copies 130 years ago, primarily deals with occultism and black magic through the lens of astrology.

For the first time since its release, it has been reissued identically, in 777 copies. Its size, the use of gilding, the paper used—everything has been done to ensure that the experience of consulting this document closely resembles the original. It consists of 36 pages, printed in 5 tones, and is accompanied by an exclusive and independent booklet containing the transcription and translation into English of all the texts contained in the calendar.

It was commissioned to the poet Austin de Croze and the poster illustrator Manuel Orazi and published in 1895 by the Maison de l'Art Nouveau in Paris, at a time when esoteric spiritualities and dark romanticism were popular trends in the capital.

For each double-page of the calendar illustrating a month, there is a set of diagrams highlighting information related to astrology, as well as incantatory poems and full-page illustrations, all drawn and calligraphed by Manuel Orazi.

Numerous references to the worlds of black magic, occultism, but also to artists like Odilon Redon or Francisco Goya adorn the pages of the booklet.

36 pages, thread binded,15X48 cm, Quadricolor + gold. Coming with an A5 format 24 pages English translation/transcription booklet. Condition: Mint 97 eurosAdd Item

The Grimoire of the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash

The Grimoire of the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash
Qirui Huo

This book contains the complete transcript of the three magic manuscripts as regards the 72 Angels. It includes The Divine Cabal, The Book of the Cabala ie Lemoth or of Names, and The Schem-ham-maphoras. These manuscripts were originally written by Lazare Lenain and copied & translated by Frederick Hockley between 1840-1841. Besides the transcription, massive comparative annotation on relevant manuscripts are appended as well. Strictly limited edition to 300 copies. Hardcover, 293 pages. Mint condition.

Qirui Huo is an author from China, and an occultist and teacher, mainly studying in the field of Ceremonial Magic, Grimoire Tradition, especially Solomonic Magic, Angelic Magic, etc. In recent years, he spread Western occultism in China through lectures, articles, and books. he has also cooperated with other Occult authors transnationally by means of providing important manuscript materials or co-publishing magic books with them.

A brief description about the book by Qirui Huo:

The book is named The Grimoire of the 72 Angels of the Shemhamphorash. This book was preliminary edited in 2020.

The original materials used in the book are mainly based on the 3 magic manuscripts copied by Frederick Hockley between 1840-1841. They are The Divine Cabal, The Book of the Cabala ie Lemoth or of Names, and The Schem-ham-maphoras. The themes and contents of these manuscripts involve 72 Angels and Lazare Lenain’s La Science Cabalistique.

Regarding the first book, The Divine Cabal, this book mainly describes the relationship between the 72 Angels and the God name יהוה Tetragrammaton, the explanations that they correspond to or preside over various things in the world, and the information about 12 more Superior Angels ruling the 72 Angels and 12 Signs of the Zodiac. And more importantly, the Characters or Seals of each of these 72 Angels, and Prayers are given in the text. The whole book describes the practical instructions for working with these 72 Angels.

The second and third books, The Book of the Cabala ie Lemoth or of Names, and The Schem-ham-maphoras, are actually the English translation of La Science Cabalistique published in 1823 by the French author Lazare Lenain, a contemporary of Hockley. It is 3 centuries earlier than The Science of the Kabbalah (2020), which was recently published by Piers A. Vaughan. Meanwhile, Hockley’s copies is quite different from the original French of Lenain, in terms of 72 Attributes and Influences of God and of the 72 Angels. For this reason, I also showed these different French paragraphs in the footnotes and translated them into English so that the readers may see the differences between them.

Like the first book, these two manuscripts also record the Characters or Seals of the 72 Angels that are not included in Lenain’s book. These Seals are also very different from those of the 72 Angels from Arsenal MS 2495 given by Robert Ambelain in his book La Kabbale Pratique (1951).

In fact, by comparing all the manuscripts that I have found that record Seals of the 72 Angels, it can be seen that the Angels’ Seals recorded in Arsenal MS 2495 are very corrupt and incomplete.

In the process of writing this book, I referenced up to 5 manuscripts (They have all obtained publishing licenses from the Libraries), made their complete transcriptions and detailed notes, as well as many important tables to ensure the authority of my edition, and to provide the readers with comprehensive knowledge.

On the whole, the subjects of all the 3 books I have shown in this book are related to 72 Angels. The first book is a detailed practical explanation of invoking these angels, and the second and third books are theoretical guidance, mainly on the 72 Angels, their different Attributes and Offices. And these contents form a complete and detailed Grimoire of 72 Angels.

This book is like Lemegeton’s first book, Goetia. It is a living, practical, and important Angelic Grimoire. Like the enduring popularity of other works related to 72 Demons and 72 Angels, and the precious legacies left by Frederick Hockley, a famous occultist and manuscript scribe, I believe that through the sale of my book, it would bring brand new magical knowledge and practical experience to the majority of magic enthusiasts, magicians and scholars in the future. 160 eurosAdd Item

8. Amulet (claw)

8. Amulet (claw)

A genuine raven claw, the cap is made of metal with a design displaying a face of a bear.

The powers of raven are connected to prophecy, higher intuition, and intelligence. Ravens as spirit animals work as mediators between realm of the dead and their host. Their energy shapeshifts into different forms and it allows them to access higher frequencies.

Other character traits of the Raven Totem are:
- Introspection
- Inner knowledge
- Self-awareness
- Creativity
- Shapeshifter
- Magician
- Divination

(Comes with the official papers concerning the source of the raven claw.)
Shipping in EU and USA only. 165 eurosAdd Item

Oreb Zaraq set #2

Oreb Zaraq set #2

Contains three necklaces:
1. Raven feet pendant in leather cord
2. Crow feet pendant in leather cord
3. Jackdaw feet pendant in leather cord

All pendants come in genuine leather cords.

(Comes with the official papers concerning the source of the raven claw.) Shipping in EU and USA only. 281 eurosAdd Item

2. Amulet (talon)

2. Amulet (talon)

An amulet necklace made of a genuine Raven´s talon in soft leather string. The powers of raven are connected to prophecy, higher intuition, and intelligence. Ravens as spirit animals work as mediators between realm of the dead and their host. Their energy shapeshifts into different forms and it allows them to access higher frequencies.

Other character traits of the Raven Totem are:
- Introspection
- Inner knowledge
- Self-awareness
- Creativity
- Shapeshifter
- Magician
- Divination

(Comes with the official papers concerning the source of the raven talon.)
Shipping in EU and USA only. 130 eurosAdd Item

3. Amulet

3. Amulet

An amulet necklace made of a genuine Raven´s tongue in soft leather string. The powers of raven are connected to prophecy, higher intuition, and intelligence. Ravens as spirit animals work as mediators between realm of the dead and their host. Their energy shapeshifts into different forms and it allows them to access higher frequencies.

Other character traits of the Raven Totem are:
- Introspection
- Inner knowledge
- Self-awareness
- Creativity
- Shapeshifter
- Magician
- Divination

(Comes with the official papers concerning the source of the raven part.)
Shipping in EU and USA only. 160 eurosAdd Item

4. Necklace

4. Necklace

An amulet necklace made of a genuine Jackdaw´s feet in soft leather string.

The Jackdaw is a totem animal strongly connected to the spiritual realm. They are often seen as messengers from the other side. Jackdaws are also known for their wisdom and intelligence, often seen as symbols of knowledge and understanding. The Jackdaw is also associated with the element of air, this connection gives this bird totem animal the ability to help us connect with our higher selves and our intuition.

The Jackdaw is also a symbol of magic and transformation. This bird is said to be able to teach us about the power of our thoughts and intentions. The Jackdaw is an interesting bird that has many symbolic meanings. It is a totem for change, mischief, and adaptability. Shipping only to EU countries and to the USA. 65 eurosAdd Item

Hekate manifesting as three horse skulls (2019) - Fine art print

Hekate manifesting as three horse skulls (2019) - Fine art print
David Herrerias

Fine art print of the first edition of The Hekataeon´s cover art printed on high quality art paper. The art print has been handnnumbered and blindstamped with Ixaxaar´s emblem. Very large size, size approx 70 x 40cm, limited edition of 9 copies. (Ixaxaar publication 2019).

Condition: The artprint is secondhand but in its original packaging, unused condition. Temporarily out of stock

Bael - statue

Bael - statue

Bael is a demon described in demonological grimoires such as The Lesser Key of Solomon and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (where he is the first spirit mentioned) and also in the Dictionnaire Infernal. He is described as a hoarsely-voiced king with the power to make men invisible and ruling over sixty-six legions of demons. The Lesser Key of Solomon describes him as appearing in the form of a cat, toad, man, some combination thereof, or other "diverse shapes", while the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and the Dictionnaire Infernal state that he appears with the heads of a cat, toad, and human simultaneously. Wooden statue made of ash tree. Height 8inch/20.5cm x width 5.5inch/14cm x depth 2.1inch/5.5cm. Сoating: varnish. 135 eurosAdd Item

Shemyaza - statue

Shemyaza - statue

Shemyaza is a fallen angel of apocryphal Jewish and Christian tradition that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Grigori (meaning "Watchers" in Greek). The name Shemyaza means infamous rebellion' the combination of 'shem' [meaning name or fame'] + 'azaz' [which means rebellion or arrogance. Michael Knibb lists him as “the (or my) name has seen” or “he sees the name”. Moshe Idel proposed that Samyaza is the one who “gazes at heavens” or “gazes from heavens”. This interpretation goes well with the motif of the heavenly Watchers, i.e., the angels supervising humans on earth. Wooden statue made of Ash tree. Height: 8inch/20.5cm x width: 6,2inch/16cm x Depth: 1,5inch/4cm. Coating: varnish (mid brown shade). 125 eurosAdd Item

Shemyaza - statue  Discounted

Shemyaza - statue Discounted

Shemyaza is a fallen angel of apocryphal Jewish and Christian tradition that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Grigori (meaning "Watchers" in Greek). The name Shemyaza means infamous rebellion' the combination of 'shem' [meaning name or fame'] + 'azaz' [which means rebellion or arrogance. Michael Knibb lists him as “the (or my) name has seen” or “he sees the name”. Moshe Idel proposed that Samyaza is the one who “gazes at heavens” or “gazes from heavens”. This interpretation goes well with the motif of the heavenly Watchers, i.e., the angels supervising humans on earth. Wooden statue made of Ash tree. Height: 8inch/20.5cm x width: 6,2inch/16cm x Depth: 1,5inch/4cm. Coating: varnish (mid brown shade).

The statue has been discounted due small part missing in the letters and the knee of Shemyaza. 89 eurosAdd Item